Oorbeek Challenge and Playlist

Oorbeek: Almost Certainly Not Influenced By Voor Nederlands rol naar beneden / 中文請往下滑   Good news for the eclectic reader/listener. Recently the question of Oorbeek’s influences erupted again, leading to wild speculations as to who or what might be Oorbeek’s influences. The seven members of Oorbeek (site) decided to lift the veil of the collective’s

Oorbeek: Kavel LP

Here they are! 12 sonic snapshots of the semi-unguided missile called Oorbeek. Ja, ze zijn er! 12 momentopnames van het half-ongeleide projectiel dat Oorbeek heet. Cut to tape by Kasper Frenkel in the Electric Monkey studios in Amsterdam using loads of vintage equipment. Mixed down, with real tape, in fact, for some of the effects,

Workshop Improvise! Catch the Spirit of the Moment

 – – For English scroll down – –  – – Photography: Ariel Tsai – – IMPRO! 即興! Catch the Spirit of the Moment 唱入當下 即興! 將經過考驗的即興演奏技巧與「即時作曲」相結合,這種方法讓一群荷蘭即興演奏家聞名全球。你的帶領者Mark van Tongeren是一位自學成才的即興表演者,對探索自我、自我表達和團體動態充滿著極具感染力的熱情。像任何優秀的小丑一樣,他並不幼稚或天真,而是讓成年人改變他們看待世界和自我的方式,創造出全新的聲音語言、新的溝通方式,乃至新的自我表達方式……直到你開始思索:那個「自我」究竟是什麼?    — 感受 離開你的舒適圈 【時間】 11/27(週三)- 11/28(週四) 每天 10:00-17:15 【地點】 台北寶藏巖國際藝術村 臺北市中正區汀州路三段230巷底 寶藏巖聚落位於公館區,距離公館捷運站步行即可到達,地理位置十分便利。   【當日行程】 11月27日 10:00-12:30(2.5小時)           投入! 第一次即興課程           +反思! 探索即興作為一種存在與身心健康的方式 12:30-13:30(1小時)


trio ALLsymt / 偶星銅 「 偶星銅」三重奏,由台灣鋼琴家李世揚、法籍多器樂演奏家貓阿諾、 荷蘭籍人聲魔術師馬克.范.湯可鄰三位共同組成。過去十多年,他們 經常分別與舞蹈和劇場跨域合作。 「 偶星銅」,取自新創的英文字,裏頭包含三位音樂家的姓氏,也暗 示即興創作當下的偶然與共存。 此次,從高美館 瞬間──穿越繪畫與攝影之旅特展的幾件藝術作品, 獲得啟發而創作,特邀舞者詹雅淳加入,嘗試用音樂創造無限的想像, 探討藝術的虛幻與真實。 About trio ALLsymt In 2021 Taipei pianist Lee Shih-Yang formed a new trio with wind instrument / percussion player Arnaud Lechat and vocal performer Mark van Tongeren, playing frequently in the greater Taipei area. Independent of each other, Lee and


  PERFORMANCES Time Project Event / Venue City / Country 11/2023 Le rêve 夢境 with Arnaud Lechat (clarinet) and Zhan Ya Chun (dance) NYCU Arts Center Taoyuan, Taiwan 10/2023 O TRIOM Overtone Singing Concert for Michael Vetter Dreamphony Hall Taipei, Taiwan 08/2023 Concerts at Ancient Trance Festival Ancient Trance Festival Taucha, Germany 04/2023 Taishin Bank

Overtone Singing Book: Sources

Find resources to the book Overtone Singing – Harmonic Dimensions of the Human Voice, like online playlists, online and offline albums, people featured in the book, etc. Please note that we are working on these sources still and will continue to expand it. Check back later if you cannot find what you are looking for,

The Latencies Project

The concert that is the main feature of this year’s Taiwan International Improvisation Music Festival (#IV) is all about the creative challenges you get when you have to deal with certain technical shortcomings. In this case: the time lag of the internet when you play music together. In everyday life this happens when you speak