Ting Shuo Hear Say (Tainan): Performance 24 聽說有表演第二十四場

聽說有表演第二十四場 Ting Shuo Has Performance Twenty Four 2020.1.5 Sun. 週日 2 pm (入場 door open), 2:30 pm (開演 start performance) @聽說 Ting Shuo Hear Say,台南 Tainan 表演票 Performance nt$300 (含一飲品 includes one drink) \ duo:丁啟祐 Chiyou Ding [電子 electronics] +林育德 Yude Lin [電子 electronics] \\ trio: 妙工俊陽 Miao Gong Jun Yang [自製樂器 self-built instruments]+Mark Van


About F u s i c a Fusica was established by Mark van Tongeren in 1998 as an umbrella for his activities as a free-lance artist, writer, musician, publisher. As a teenager he became fascinated by the interplay of arts and sciences, or the humanities and physics. When seeking a name that could reflect his

Music Store

Mark van Tongeren –  Overtone Singing. Harmonic Dimensions of the Human Voice Published Autumn 2022 by Terranova. Distribution by MIT Press/ Penguin Random House.     Read all about the book and the CD on this page.               Parafonia – Sphere (CD) Available as MP3 or CD through CD-Baby.

Contact / About

FUSICA / MARK VAN TONGEREN Phone: TAIWAN +886(0)910382749 Send an email.   FOLLOW FUSICA / MARK VAN TONGEREN   SUBSCRIBE TO THE MAILING LIST (click here)   ABOUT  FUSICA Fusica was established by Mark van Tongeren in 1998 as an umbrella for his activities as a free-lance artist, writer, musician, publisher. Since his youth, he


Click here to download a Press Kit / ZIP file with medium-resolution photos and biographies. MarkVanTongerenPRESSloRes For Hi-Res (printable) images, select what you need from the ZIP and request by email.     Mark van Tongeren is a sound explorer and performance artist with a PhD in artistic research from Leiden University. He did ground-breaking

4 concerts this week (NL/PL)

dear listeners, I’d like to announce a couple of concerts in The Netherlands and in Poland in the coming week: Monday 18 november, AMSTERDAM, Het Poortgebouw, 1st Floor, Tolhuisweg 2: Oorsprong Curator Series, start at 20 o’ clock. Free-improvisation with flutist Mark Alban Lotz and guitarist Bram Stadhouders and vocalist Mark van Tongeren, and several