We all know there are problems with the next American president. For us, Jew’s harpers, or *trump* players, →
The results of a little side-project just landed on the doormat. The Sound Word Almanac, a collection of →
(中文請見下方) During one of my concerts in Taucha, Germany, last month, I asked the audience who knows the name Michael Vetter. Several people raised their hands. But as I expected, many people at the Ancient Trance Festival don’t know his name. Of course, quite a few more may have heard his music in the Age →
A few days ago, Overtone Singing – Hidden Dimensions of the Human Voice has arrived at its distribution →
NEW WORKSHOP: RHYTHMS & CYCLES Video impresssion: Colours Rhythms & Cycles NEW CLASS: SHRUTI NIGHTS I began a new class: Shruti Nights, and ran No. I-VIII throughout the year, each with a different theme. Listen to a nice duet I did with Sunny, translator, co-producer of many of my events, and talented singing →
Today it is 6 years ago since Michael Vetter (1943-2013) passed away. One year after his passing I →
The most prolific researcher in the field of overtone singing is a man with many faces. His name →
Some notes and quotes from De Vergeten Wetenschappen. Een Geschiedenis van de Humaniora, (litterally: “The Forgotten Sciences. A →