March – May, 2025 RESONANCE – Overtone Singing Intensive 聲音的共鳴 泛音詠唱密集課程 ***Scroll down for English*** 泛音詠唱全新雙修體驗 線上線下雙棲工作坊 3堂線上課 →
Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events. Details below 近期音樂會、工作坊與活動 Weekly Voice Yoga on Friday in Taipei Details are here. Presentation 西藏苯教唱誦共學團 Tibetan Bon chanting group An offering of Bon-Po chants and instrumental pieces 西藏苯教唱誦及器樂禮讚 ▍活動時程 ▍ 【場次1】 1:45 開放入場 2:00 演出開始 2:45 茶敘交流 3:15 清場 【場次2】 3:45 開放入場 4:00 演出開始 4:50 活動結束 *** →
Early Summer IUooUI was invited to sing for the opening of a new Art Museum in Yingge. A →
(中文請見下方) During one of my concerts in Taucha, Germany, last month, I asked the audience who knows the name Michael Vetter. Several people raised their hands. But as I expected, many people at the Ancient Trance Festival don’t know his name. Of course, quite a few more may have heard his music in the Age →
Join me this weekend for the first of three launch events of the book and album Overtone Singing. →
A few days ago, Overtone Singing – Hidden Dimensions of the Human Voice has arrived at its distribution →
A new group called IUooUI is going to give its first series of full performances. Most of us →
On 12/12/2021 we started the founding of the TOSA, or Taiwan Overtone Singing Association. It was an old →
Monday it was Khöömei Day again in Tuva. This year it was celebrated with an online throat singing →