Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events. Details below 近期音樂會、工作坊與活動 Weekly Voice Yoga on Friday in Taipei Details are here. Presentation 西藏苯教唱誦共學團 Tibetan Bon chanting group An offering of Bon-Po chants and instrumental pieces 西藏苯教唱誦及器樂禮讚 ▍活動時程 ▍ 【場次1】 1:45 開放入場 2:00 演出開始 2:45 茶敘交流 3:15 清場 【場次2】 3:45 開放入場 4:00 演出開始 4:50 活動結束 *** →
A new group called IUooUI is going to give its first series of full performances. Most of us →
This weekend a new work by Chinese-German composer Yang Song in which my voice and Jew’s harp are →
The last two weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster for me. When we were about to →
The concert that is the main feature of this year’s Taiwan International Improvisation Music Festival (#IV) is all about the creative challenges you get when you have to deal with certain technical shortcomings. In this case: the time lag of the internet when you play music together. In everyday life this happens when you speak →
Afternoon 16:30-18 PM, Moonlight Inn, Dulan. Part solo, part rocking with local Amis talent, part collective music and →
C-Lab, Taipei, september 2019 →
Three concerts coming up in March. 1. SOUND OUT! R E S O N A N C E →