ALLsymt / 偶星銅
「 偶星銅」三重奏,由台灣鋼琴家李世揚、法籍多器樂演奏家貓阿諾、
「 偶星銅」,取自新創的英文字,裏頭包含三位音樂家的姓氏,也暗
此次,從高美館 瞬間──穿越繪畫與攝影之旅特展的幾件藝術作品,
About trio ALLsymt
In 2021 Taipei pianist Lee Shih-Yang formed a new trio with wind instrument / percussion player Arnaud Lechat and vocal performer Mark van Tongeren, playing frequently in the greater Taipei area. Independent of each other, Lee and Lechat had over a decade of collaborations with dancers behind them. Van Tongeren played and recorded in music-theatre projects in unusual acoustic and architectural settings since the 1990s.
From 2024, the trio Lee – Lechat – van Tongeren continues as ALLsymt, an acronym of the musicians’ initials.
Their current project draws from their ecclectic range of muliti-disciplinary backgrounds and involves dancer ZHAN Ya-Chun, a recently graduated dancer first invited by Lechat for collaborative performances.
Capturing the Moment
For the exhibition 高美館30周年鉅獻 英國泰德現代美術館《CAPTURING THE MOMENT》 瞬間──穿越繪畫與攝影之旅 in the Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum ALLsymt created new pieces. They use the museum lobby, the passage to the art works it holds, to interrogate the relationship between photography and painting, realism and simulacrum, makers and perceivers. They create a musical lens enabling visitors to “hear” a specific selection of paintings on exhibit, by questioning the complex relationships between acoustic event and situated, individual perception. Some of the techniques they use to achieve this effect are spatial projection of the sound by acoustic means, moving sound sources, and extremely slow and silent passages.
Shih-Yang Lee
興樂團」,其個人及樂團多次榮獲金音創作獎、傳藝金曲獎項,受邀至世界各國演出。 2015年偕同尼可樂表演藝術創辦「臺灣國際即興音樂節」。2016年起與驫舞劇場藝術總監陳武康共同策畫「混沌身響」。2021年獲選為第六屆臺南藝術大學傑出校友。2022年亞洲文化協會受獎人。2024年發行個人獨奏專輯《隱藏的風景Hidden Landscape》。
LEE Shih-Yang’s trademark style is based around an intensely physical relationship to the piano. His improvisations move from the poetic and lyrical to extended techniques, and from dense clusters of grim chords to light, almost inaudible whiffs of sound. His latest album was released in July 2024.
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Arnaud Lechat
貓阿諾Arnaud Lechat
法國音樂家。作曲風格融合古典,爵士,歐洲民謠與亞洲音樂。多次受邀與台灣的舞團, 即興演奏,馬戲和劇場合作現場演出,也製作台灣中央廣播電台的廣播節目《迷失方向(Désorientales)》和影片《都馬調(Doumadiao)》紀錄台灣的風土人情。
近期並製作發行三張創作音樂專輯:《解放9 (Delivraence 9)》2017年、《超人類/次等人類(Transhuman / Subhuman)》2018年、《藍色微光的翅膀 (Sur les ailes de l’heure bleue)》2021年。專輯《夢境 (Le Rêve)》與音樂家、Mark van Tongeren將於 2024 年秋季發行。
Arnaud Lechat is a French musician and composer living in Taiwan. In 25 years of activity he works for many pieces of modern dance, improvisation, circus, literature and poetry, acrobatic, drawing, movies. Arnaud is the co-director of the documentary film “Doumadiao” on Taiwanese opera as well as the author of numerous documentaries for Radio Taiwan Internationale on the music of Taiwan in his program “Désorientales”. He recently released three albums “Delivrænce 9” , “Transhuman / Subhuman” and “Sur les ailes de l’heure bleue”. A fourth album, “Le Rêve” in duo with Mark van Tongeren, is going to be released in fall 2024.
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Mark van Tongeren
Mark van Tongeren is a sound explorer with an interest in the synergy of the arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. He has 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD in artistic research from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative and Performing Arts. As an ethnomusicologist, he has worked with indigenous musicians in Siberia, Taiwan, the Tibetan diaspora and Corsica/Sardinia, with a special focus on timbre and overtones. In his artistic output he seeks to absorb, juxtapose and transcend the music and performing arts from many of the world’s traditions, including Western music of past and present. Besides his solo work he is / has been part of Oorbeek, Silo Theater, Parafonia, and IuooUI. He also forms a duo with Arnaud Lechat, with whom he recorded Le Rêve in 2024.
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ALLsymt / 偶星銅
ALLsymt live at NTU (photo: Yu Chung Chen)