Autumn-Winter Program 2024-2025

Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events.

Details below



Weekly Voice Yoga classes will resume again in September in Taipei. Get on the LINE list to be up to date about dates, changes and other notices.



九月20日晚上|September 20, evening

高雄美術館音樂會|Concert in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

with trio aLLsymT

Pianist Lee Shih-Yang, clarinet, flute and frame drum player Arnaud Lechat (FR)

and Mark van Tongeren (NL) continue from now on as trio aLLsymT.



九月22-25日(週日至週三)|September 22 – 25 (Sunday – Wednesday)

聲音的海洋工作坊|Ocean of Voices with the Bunun

Without question a highlight for those who take part in it. Details:



十月6日(週日)| October 6 (Sunday)

Nokyo 唱誦週末一日工作坊 Nokyo Chanting 1 day (Weekend)

Mark’s groundbreaking work, expanding daily, in contemporary reciting,

chanting, singing of texts, prayers, mantra’s and sutra’s beyond meaning.

Sunday 6 and Monday 7 is the same workshop introducing nokyos.

Details coming soon.



星期日(6日)和星期一(7日)將舉辦同樣的工作坊,介紹 Nokyos。



十月7日(週ㄧ)| October 7 (Monday)

Nokyo 唱誦週間一日工作坊Nokyo Chanting 1 day (weekday)

Sunday 6 and Monday 7 is the same workshop introducing nokyos.

Details coming soon.

星期日(6日)和星期一(7日)將舉辦同樣的工作坊,介紹 Nokyos。



十一月22-24日|November 22-24


Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Indigenous Music and Dance Conference

嘉義,台灣|Chiayi, Taiwan

More info on the Study Group website.



十一月22-24日|November 22-24


Taiwan International Jew’s Harp Music Festival, Miaoli



十月27-28日(週三、週四)|Wednesday 27 + Thursday 28 November

唱入當下Catch the Spirit of the Moment          

The ever amazing improv workshop is back! This time on weekdays to enable busy performers to sharpen their skills outside the weekend hours.

Details coming soon.





December 21 – 24 |12月21-24日

Voice Yoga Winter Retreat  聲音瑜伽:冬至療癒假期

The. Classic. Retreat.


 >>>> Learn more/活動詳細資訊 <<<<<<

Read all about it here.




聲音的共鳴 年度團體 第一部分R E S O N A N C E   YEARGROUP  PART  I

一月2-5日 (週四 – 週日)Thursday January 2- Sunday 5 2025


聲音的共鳴 年度團體 第二部分R E S O N A N C E   YEARGROUP  PART  II

三月6-9日 (週四 – 週日Thursday March 6 – Sunday March 9 2025

The finest and most complete in-person introduction to overtone singing and overall

resonance of voice, mind and body, running as an 8 day course for over ten years.



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