– – For English scroll down – – Heart Sutra and Nokyo Reciting 共鳴般若:心經與Nokyo唱誦工作坊 a modern way to →
Break the wall with sounds. The world is much wider than you thought. 用聲音打破那道高牆 看見比你想像更廣大的世界 聲音的海洋 深入傳統,創造屬於自己的傳統,與布農族一起歌唱。 (English below) ************************************** 聲音的海洋 四天三夜的布農族歌謠學習、經驗世界各地的音樂、即興創作、探索人聲、探索身心 ◇ 與原住民朋友一起歌唱,學習布農族歌謠 ◇ 世界各地的傳統音樂 ◇ 創造自己的民謠 ◇ 完全放飛自我的即興音樂派對◇ 進入山林與內心的療癒假期 ************************************* 日期: 2024年9月22-25日(週日至週三) 地點:南投埔里-江山樂活, 南投信義鄉 在這三天裡,我們深入探索「聲音的海洋」,我們尋找來自世界各地的未知傳統,聆聽過往的經典並嘗試創作我們自己的版本。您還將學習如何自己或與他人一起即興創作一首傳統歌曲(一首催眠曲?一首祈禱曲?一首歡樂的問候歌?)。如果您已經喜歡唱歌,並且知道自己的聲音有著如此多的色彩。但是只有其中一些色彩在日常生活中表達出來,現在我們要擴展這種創造性和聲音的潛力,一起看見自己聲音的光譜。 加入我們,一同慶祝人類聲音的力量和潛藏在其中的創造力。毫無疑問,你的祖先知道民謠、宗教聖詩、儀式詠唱:讓它們以新的形式再次浮出水面。在我們探索的起點和亮點上,來自南投信義鄉明德部落的布農族非常樂意在他們每週的歌唱會上歡迎我們。你將有機會與他們近距離合唱,並從中學習他們創作複音多聲部歌曲的方式,並嘗試與他們一起合唱。這是對這座我們摯愛島嶼的許多美好傳統之一的親身沉浸,是極少數人曾經擁有的獨特機會! ************************************** 【課程安排】 /第一天 週日/ 16:00-18:00 抵達 & 住宿 Check-in 18:00-19:30 晚餐 19:30-21:00 工作坊介紹 →
Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events. Details below 近期音樂會、工作坊與活動 Weekly Voice Yoga classes will resume again in September in Taipei. Get on the LINE list to be up to date about dates, changes and other notices. 每週聲音瑜伽課程將於九月在台北重新開始。加入我們的LINE群組,以便隨時了解課程日期、變更和其他通知。 九月20日晚上|September 20, evening 高雄美術館音樂會|Concert in Kaohsiung Museum →
Oorbeek: Almost Certainly Not Influenced By Voor Nederlands rol naar beneden / 中文請往下滑 Good news for the →
VOICE YOGA WINTER SOLSTICE RETREAT December 21- 24 2023 Be timeless in sound Three and a half →
(中文請見下方) During one of my concerts in Taucha, Germany, last month, I asked the audience who knows the name Michael Vetter. Several people raised their hands. But as I expected, many people at the Ancient Trance Festival don’t know his name. Of course, quite a few more may have heard his music in the Age →
Last week Kustaa Saski‘s exhibition of tapestries opened in a new location run by the locally-known architect Siu Siu (Cha Cha). It was comissioned by June (pictured on top, with me, amidst three tapestries) about 5 years ago, after he exhibited in Taiwan through curator Frank, of Doublegrass. I remember we met Kustaa at several →
March 18-21, May 20-23, 2023 RESONANCE – Overtone Singing Intensive 聲音的共鳴 泛音詠唱密集課程 Scroll down for English 完整深度學習泛音詠唱,開發聲音與身體的潛能,就在今年三月與五月。 Learn →
A remarkable bird visits our home, combined with a remarkable instrument. I listen to invisible machines. Crème de la crème of Jew’s harp players in my home, 2006. Two members of IUooUI getting ready for the first series of performances. Good old jamming in preparation of the Latencies project, connecting Taipei and Amsterdam. →
A new group called IUooUI is going to give its first series of full performances. Most of us →