After a 2016 ‘pilot’ Sound Journey to Tuva, Fusica/Mark van Tongeren presents a new Journey to Tuva in august 2018. An ideal way to explore a little-visited corner of the world with a guide who has travelled to Tuva for almost 25 years. You can experience Siberia’s wide-open steppe, its dense taiga, stunning rivers and lakes, rich culture, music and vibrant religious life. Though it is not a throat singing tour, you will get first-hand experience of Tuva’s famous throat singers, and receive instructions from local masters and your guide Mark. Those with a deeper interest in throat singing can stay longer in Tuva and get khöömei instruction through our network.
The tour will not be just for Mandarin speakers, and primarily conducted in English.
The rough dates are August 7 to August 22, with 12 days spent in Siberia. On Wednesday December 20 Mark van Tongeren, who leads the tour, will present the whole idea with full details in Taipei. Request a brochure if you are anywhere else and interested to learn more.
For the talk in Taipei you can register here or on Facebook. Full details will be available end of December 2017. Write us if you are interested in joining.
【圖瓦的聲音之旅2018 說明會】
時間: 12月20日,星期三,19:00-21:00
地點:Canjune Aromajoint小聚場
106台北市大安區溫州街74巷3弄1 號
行程預定日期: 8月5日到8月20日
Please register here on FB or send a message to Mark: 0910-382-749, info@fusica.nl