Sauli Heikkilä

Special Journal on Tuvan music

Here is the latest issue of  the journal The New Research of Tuva, dedicated this time to the music of Tuva. Many articles are in English, some in Russian, by a wide range of authors including Valentina Suzukey/Валентина Сузукей, Robbie Beahrs, Malgorzata Stelmaszyk, Maxim Chaposhnikov, Morten Abildsnes, Tadagawa Leo, Hsu Shen-Mou, Sauli Heikkilä and myself. The chief editor is Chimiza Lamajaa and this edition’s guest editor is Valentina Suzukey. This is a wonderful and diverse issue of new research on throat singing, Jew’s harps, shamanism, popular music and much more from Tuva.

You van find the Table of Contents here , a pdf of the entire journal here, and you can start the download if you want to have the issue on your own device here.
My own article about Maksim Dakpai’s throat singing is available for download here, and for online viewing here.

These are all 15 contributions:

Issues of academic study and practical acquisition of Tuvan music (a case study of Tuvan instrumental music)
Suzukey, Valentina Yu.

What does Dakpai Maksim do when he sings sygyt? A preliminary investigation of one throat singer’s personal style
Van Tongeren, Mark

Nomads in the Global Soundscape: Negotiating Aesthetics in Post-Soviet Tuva’s Traditional Music Productions
Beahrs, Robert O.

From the sound of throat singing to the sounds of shamanic practice: Structural organisation of shamanic rituals in Tuva
Stelmaszyk, Malgorzata

Tuvan music and World Music
Chaposhnikov, Maxim V.

Tuvan music and its discography (principal names, titles, issues of description)
Abildsnes, Morten

“The khomus is my red deer on which I fly through the middle world” (Khomus in the shamanic practice of Tuva: Research issues)
Tadagawa, Leo

Social and cognitive functions of music based on the example of Tuvan throat singing
Hsu, Shen-Mou

Let me sing your songs: how Finns found xöömei
Heikkilä, Sauli

Tuvan music in schools in the United States
Quirk, Sean P.

The development of contemporary music culture of Tuva (a view from Japan)
Terada, Mao

The language of poetic texts in contemporary Tuvan pop songs
Saaya, Oyumaa M.

Psychological features of the professional activities of Tuvan musicians
Sandyi, Anna D.-B.

On the composition of modal structures of Tuvan traditional songs
Baranmaa, Ayasmaa D.-B.

The song folklore of Tozhu Tuvans: collection, publication, research
Tiron, Ekaterina L.