Science Gallery Dublin

Make-a-noise-class for parents and kids (7+)

NTSEC flyer

Sunday February 22 and Sunday March 1, 2015 I will lead a dazzling interactive workshop about sound, listening and the body. With lots of hands-on exercises for parents and kids to make and feel sound, electronic sound gadgets and spectacular visualizations of sound. If you have kids aged 7 and over and look for some holiday fun, join us during one of the four sessions. If you don’t have kids, it is still very worthwile for adults to come and check out the Biorhythm exhibition which was adapted from the one at the Science Gallery in Dublin, Ireland.

Click on the pic below and from there on the circles for more info on each exhibit.

NTSEC Biorhythm

NTSEC Biorhythm website

I believe you do not have to buy a ticket in advance, but if you wish you can at accupass.


(video showing how sound propagates: “Moleculair vibrations and sounds” by B. Gelis, S Blatrix)

Here is the text from the original exhibition in Dublin:

What makes us dance? Why do we sing the blues? Could there be a formula for the perfect hit?

Over 65,000 people came to experience Science Gallery’s exploration of music and the body.

Music is a central part of the human experience, but what is the natural force that drives us to sing, strum, drum and dance? What is the scientific basis of whistling, humming and toe-tapping?

Cognitive scientist Steven Pinker recently claimed that music is “auditory cheesecake”, designed to tickle parts of our brain designed for more serious purposes like speech and abstract reasoning. Darwin, on the other hand, preferred to think that music and dance evolved as an integral part of human courtship rituals. George Bernard Shaw more racily described dancing as “the vertical expression of a horizontal desire”. Our brains, ears and vocal chords are exquisitely designed for enjoying and creating music.

From an acoustic bed to sonic tables and experiments on your emotional response to pop music, Science Gallery’s Summer exhibition BIORHYTHM will allow you to feel how music moves your body through an interactive bazaar of unique sonic experiences, installations, experiments and performances from musicians, engineers and neuroscientists from around the world.

CURATORIAL TEAM: singer Gavin Friday, composer Linda Buckley, Professor Ben Knapp of SARC at Queen’s University Belfast and Professor Ian Robertson of Trinity College Dublin and Michael John Gorman, Science Gallery.

BIORHYTHM is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport, our founding partners Ulster Bank and the Wellcome Trust, the members of Science Circle: Dell, Google, ICON, Paccar, Pfizer and our media partner is the Irish Times. Thank you also to Sennheiser and Roland Ireland for their in-kind support of BIORHYTHM, and we are delighted to be joined by Phantom 105.2FM as our BIORHYTHM broadcast partner. Thank you also to DART/Irish Rail for their ongoing support.