
Winter-Spring Program 2025

Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events.

Details below


Weekly Voice Yoga on Friday in Taipei

Details are here.


Presentation 西藏苯教唱誦共學團 Tibetan Bon chanting group

An offering of Bon-Po chants and instrumental pieces



▍活動時程 ▍

1:45 開放入場
2:00 演出開始
2:45 茶敘交流
3:15 清場

3:45 開放入場
4:00 演出開始
4:50 活動結束

*** 兩場次呈現內容相同,

▍地點  ▍東梨學院



▍Schedule ▍

【Presentation 1】
1:45 door opens
2:00 show starts
2:45 Tea & Talk
3:15 clear the space for next performance

【Presentation 2】
Admission opens at 3:45
4:00 show starts
4:50 event ends

***The content presented in both sessions is the same.
After the second presentation, there is no tea time.

▍Location  ▍

TungLeeAcademy (103 臺北市大同區迪化街一段256號)

More info here



Shruti Box Sale

印度風琴Shruti box 特賣(另有一台冬布拉琴Tambura!)以及:印度風琴唱歌即興課程重新開始
下週三,1 月 8 日,我將帶著一些剩餘的、二手的以及少量全新的印度風琴到台北,讓大家試用。我需要清空剩餘的庫存以迎接新的風琴。這些印度風琴品質可能不是最好,但有些仍然不錯,價格也非常實惠。一些學生為了升級購買新的印度風琴,也在出售了他們舊的、狀況仍然良好的樂器。此外,我還會帶來一台狀況不錯的冬布拉琴,價格會稍微優惠一些。
如果你正在考慮購入新的印度風琴,下週也可以來試試看。我將開始接受預訂,並提供一個小折扣,低於正常售價。這些印度風琴的價格範圍大約是 4000 到 13000。

1 月 8 日,星期三,上午 13:00 至 14:30
最後但並非最不重要的: Shruti 即興歌唱即將重新開始。每週或每兩週開課一次,探索使用 Drone 樂器進行聲樂即興演奏。
SHRUTI BOX SALE (plus one tambura)
This week I will bring a bunch of left-over, second-hand and a few new shruti boxes to Taipei for anyone to try out. My left-over stock must make space for new ones. They are not great quality but some are still fine and they are low-priced. A few students sell their old and still fine shruti boxes in order to upgrade to a new one. I also have a fine tambura that I will bring for a somewhat reduced price.
If you consider to get a new shruti box you can try it out next week as well. I will start taking pre-orders and give a small discount compared to the regular price. The prices for all these shruti boxes range from about 4000-13000.
Wednesday 8, 13.00-14:30 AM.
Da’an District, Taipei City, No 8-5, Lishui Street
Just pass by!
And last but not least: Shruti Singing Improvisations Restarts soon. Weekly or bi-weekly classes to explore vocal improvisation with a drone instrument. Stay tuned for the details.




聲音的共鳴 年度團體 R E S O N A N C E   YEARGROUP

三月- 五月 2025  March – April – May 2025

The finest and most complete in-person introduction to overtone singing and overall

resonance of voice, mind and body, running for over ten years.

Early bird discounts up to January 31st!

Now in a new hybrid format:

– 4 weeks online

– 4 days group practise in Hualien

– 2 days round-up in Taipei

– including 1-on-1 session

Go to the special  R E S O N A N C E page.

Details coming soon.




12月 19-23 December 19-23 2025



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