healing sounds

Autumn-Winter Program 2024-2025

Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events.

Details below



Weekly Voice Yoga classes will resume again in September in Taipei. Get on the LINE list to be up to date about dates, changes and other notices.



九月20日晚上|September 20, evening

高雄美術館音樂會|Concert in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

with trio aLLsymT

Pianist Lee Shih-Yang, clarinet, flute and frame drum player Arnaud Lechat (FR)

and Mark van Tongeren (NL) continue from now on as trio aLLsymT.



九月22-25日(週日至週三)|September 22 – 25 (Sunday – Wednesday)

聲音的海洋工作坊|Ocean of Voices with the Bunun

Without question a highlight for those who take part in it. Details:




十月6日(週日)| October 6 (Sunday)

Nokyo 唱誦週末一日工作坊 Nokyo Chanting 1 day (Weekend)

Mark’s groundbreaking work, expanding daily, in contemporary reciting,

chanting, singing of texts, prayers, mantra’s and sutra’s beyond meaning.

Sunday 6 and Monday 7 is the same workshop introducing nokyos.

Details coming soon.



星期日(6日)和星期一(7日)將舉辦同樣的工作坊,介紹 Nokyos。



十月7日(週ㄧ)| October 7 (Monday)

Nokyo 唱誦週間一日工作坊Nokyo Chanting 1 day (weekday)

Sunday 6 and Monday 7 is the same workshop introducing nokyos.

Details coming soon.

星期日(6日)和星期一(7日)將舉辦同樣的工作坊,介紹 Nokyos。



十一月22-24日|November 22-24


Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Indigenous Music and Dance Conference

嘉義,台灣|Chiayi, Taiwan

More info on the Study Group website.



十一月22-24日|November 22-24


Taiwan International Jew’s Harp Music Festival, Miaoli



十月27-28日(週三、週四)|Wednesday 27 + Thursday 28 November

唱入當下Catch the Spirit of the Moment          

The ever amazing improv workshop is back! This time on weekdays to enable busy performers to sharpen their skills outside the weekend hours.

Details coming soon.





December 21 – 24 |12月21-24日

Voice Yoga Winter Retreat  聲音瑜伽:冬至療癒假期

The. Classic. Retreat.


 >>>> Learn more/活動詳細資訊 <<<<<<

Read all about it here.




聲音的共鳴 年度團體 第一部分R E S O N A N C E   YEARGROUP  PART  I

一月2-5日 (週四 – 週日)Thursday January 2- Sunday 5 2025


聲音的共鳴 年度團體 第二部分R E S O N A N C E   YEARGROUP  PART  II

三月6-9日 (週四 – 週日Thursday March 6 – Sunday March 9 2025

The finest and most complete in-person introduction to overtone singing and overall

resonance of voice, mind and body, running as an 8 day course for over ten years.



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or how to combine the art of writing meaningful non-sense texts with hypnosis methods


Next week I am teaching a group of hypnosis students in Taipei. They are the students of a man who goes by the nickname of La Mian (ramen, or Japanese thick noodles) who is specialized in hypnosis and teaches and applies it in a wide range of methods. He came to my workshop Ocean of Voices recently, a 3-day exploration of the richness of musical traditions around the world (focusing on the voice). We had several amazing sessions where everyone went through his or her own transformations while singing, chanting, drumming, playing, or just listening to everyone else. Paths to change the body, change the mind and empower your creative imagination through the voice: a dynamic key or bridge that sits in between the body and mind, working its logical and illogical ways in both directions.



Photos taken during the Oceaen of Voices of workshop in Nantou, Taiwan. Above, La Mian with the Bunun people from XinYi. Below, session during the workshop.


You could call the logical part the verbal: the voice as speech, as reason and gossip.

You could call the illogical part transverbal: the voice as sound and music, as noise and non-sense.


Transverbal is a term Michael Vetter coined to group together, and give purpose to, his vast corpus of creative work, in music, in visual arts, in writing. It led, among other things, to his writing of okyo’s, which is Japanese for sutras. His sutras were not Buddhist texts, but used the sounds of the Japanese language as a template from which he created ‘texts’ without meaning. It was not merely a capricious thing, a joke, or an anti-religious sentiment. Vetter was serious about it. He had practised chanting and reciting actual sutras for year after year during his 13 year stay in Japan, going about the streets begging for alms or performing ceremonial. But, in a true Zen vein, he would not eschew the occasional humorous twist in his own okyos either.


I got to know Michael Vetter’s okyos in the mid 1990s and was impressed with their form and sound and Vetter’s precise reasoning for why he created them. Later I began to write my own occasional okyos. Last year I decided to write an okyo every day for one year, to commemorate Michael’s birth (in 1943) and passing (in 2013), now eighty and ten years ago. I shape these okyos, naturally, but they also shape me, and invite me or teach me to push for new ideas about sound, language and symbol. Here is one example which I will take to the Hypnokyo workshop:



Here is another one

And here is one that you can listen to in the video, below:


So next week my okyos are going to be tested by students of hypnosis. They learn a range of sounding techniques that could enhance or expand their hypnosis practise. I am really looking forward to see what they will do with it, and hope I can be their guinea pig to test the efficacy of the okyos. Not long ago, hypnosis was regarded as somewhat occult, esoteric and strange. In recent years it has become more widely accepted and it began to loose its strangeness in public opinion. The approach now seems to be more practical: it is yet another way for us – complicated, sensitive and often limited and hyperrational human beings – to understand the mysteries of life and self, and to make sense of the world around us in new, more attuned ways.


You can enjoy listening to one of my okyos in this video (thanks to Sky for editing).

And I will read this week’s episode of one of my favorite newsletters, which happens to be devoted to clinical hypnosis.

Founding the Taiwan Overtone Singing Association

On 12/12/2021 we started the founding of the TOSA, or Taiwan Overtone Singing Association. It was an old dream of mine to have a more solid vehicle for my work and that of others in the field of overtone singing. But lacking reading and writing skills in Chinese I was unable to give that wish a concrete form. But then my close collaborators Sunny Chen and Jackal Mei began to question me about this and make suggestions about how to let this community grow and organise some bigger events. By now there are quite some people who have studied overtone singing with me or with other local practitioners, or with foreign teachers (often from Inner Mongolia or Tuva). There are several skilled performers and others who are improving their skills rapidly. I tend to be a bit of a loner in my work in overtone singing, but I think the time has come to really help others flower if they wish to become good overtone singers. And to show more people the beauty of this technique in all its forms, whether artistic or therapeutic, traditional or modern.


TOSA members performing on January 1 at Mei Garden Restaurant, Taipei


In the end it was Sunny Chen who has done endless amounts of paperwork to have the first small meeting of founders last December. My heartfelt thanks to her and all those who signed up as founders. The next step is to go public, and this will happen right after Chinese New Year, on February 19. On that day our chairman Sky Tseng will tell more about bigger and smaller events we are going to host every year; about a practising group to brush up your overtone singing and chanting; about concerts we will jointly attend or important books and pieces or CDs we will discuss. Professor Chung Minder, or taimu as he is known to many, will look back to twenty years of overtone singing in Taiwan, and perhaps look forward too. My old friends, and long-time overtone singing lovers (and love-couple in the first place) Wei-Lin and Qi-Chung will do a presentation, and so do I: this serves as the upbeat to a full concert we are preparing for later this year.

To make all of this happen, we need to reach a minimum of 45 members by January 28 (and not by February 19, as we thought before). We hope you will consider to sign up this month and give our association a flying start. A little extra support at this point is much needed since only a small inner circle of people knows about this initiative. Once we get started in February we can reach out to more people.


TOSA founding meeting no. 1, 12/12/2021


2021 12 12 日,我們著手成立 TOSA,即台灣泛音詠唱協會Taiwan Overtone Singing Association)。協會將 2 19 日舉辦場盛大活動,在一個美麗的新空間舉辦音樂會和講座作為協會對外公開的開端。我在此邀請你一同加入,成為協會成員。我長久以來都夢想能在泛領域為自己和其他藝術家創建更實際的平台。但由於中文讀寫能力有限,我遲遲無法實現這個願望。直到身邊的合作夥伴 Sunny Chen Jackal Mei 開始詢問我相關的想法,並提出發展組織及舉辦大型活動的建議,我的心願才開始逐步實踐目前為止已經有不少人學可能是跟我學習,也可能是跟台灣國外的老師學習(通常來自內蒙古或圖瓦)近年來,位技術純熟的表演者和泛音愛好者,他們的技巧與日俱進。我在泛唱方面的工作往往是獨立進行但我認為是時候幫助更多有志專精泛音詠唱的人發光發熱了!同時我也想與更多人分享泛唱各種形式的美,涵蓋藝術、療癒、傳統現代等各個層面


更多關於 2 月活動和 TOSA 計劃的訊息都可以在這裡找到。請註冊並成為會員!根據規定,我們需要在 2 月 19 日之前招募足夠的會員,所以如果可以,請現在(或在 1 月底前)點選連結,協助我們推動計劃。非常感謝你!

最後是 Sunny 做了大量文書工作,在去年 12 月召開了第一次小型的發起人會議。我衷心感謝 Sunny 和所有登記的發起人。協會的下一步是對外公開,時間將是農曆年後的 2 月 19 日。那一天,理事長 Sky Tseng 將詳細介紹協會大小年度活動、一起精進泛唱技巧的練唱小組、成員共同參與的音樂會、還有我們列入討論項目的重要書籍、作品和專輯。鍾明德教授(也就是大家熟知的大木老師)則會回顧台灣 20 年的泛音詠唱史。另外一個重頭戲是泛唱圈的佳偶啟仲和維琳的泛音雙重唱,他們是我的老朋友,也是資深的泛音愛好者。我自己也會有一段泛音獨唱,這兩段演出將為今年籌備中的正式音樂會開啟序幕。


為了實現這一切,我們需要在 1 月底前招募至少 45 員(不是之前以為的 2 19 日)。所以我們希望大家能在這個月註冊,讓協會有一個好的開始這方面我們非常需要一些額外的支持,因為目前只有少部分人知道這個計畫。一旦在 2 正式對外公開,我們就更多人


【台灣泛音詠唱協會 成立大會】將於農曆年後,在台北舉辦!

時間: 2022219日,14:00-16:00

地點: 好好說話工作坊,





1. 鍾明德教授分享〈泛音在台灣的歷史〉 


2. Mark van Tongeren 泛音獨唱 

3. 天使之音啟仲維琳 泛音雙重唱




First Voice Yoga Retreat (full report)

At the end of 2019, in fact around the Winter Solstice on December 21, we did the first Voice Yoga Retreat here in Taiwan. A wonderful recollection of the best stuff I have done during my 7 seven years of weekly Voice Yoga classes. It was beyond expectation: fantastic weather, great location, wonderful students, and a great three-person-strong core team (Sunny Chen, Jackal Mei, me) to take care of everything.



Most of all, we all experienced a nice flow between yogic and other exercises, sound and body improvisations, eating cakes and drinking Jackal’s homebrewn coffee, meditating, listening, chanting, learning about my methods and ‘vision.’ People came from all over the place and all walks of life, and most were new to Voice Yoga.

One student, Guang Guang, wrote an excellent report in Chinese about everything we did, in Chinese. I reproduce it here, with an autotranslation at the bottom of this page. Jackal Mei made some great photos, and there’s a couple of myself too. Many thanks to Guang Guang and Jackal for the words and images, and to Sunny !

We’ll do another Voice Yoga Retreat later this year on the beautiful, relaxed East Coast of Taiwan, where the pace is slow, weather seems to be nearly always good, birds sing loudly and the ocean is never far away. Get on the maillinglist for updates.


























謝謝Yu Chih Lin帶我池上玩
謝謝Xiaoying Ye聲音的連結
謝謝Jackal Mei意志的邀約XD
謝謝Mark Van Tongeren



Autotranslation of the Chinese text.


/ sound yoga

Because there are always many good friends around me, then put into a path. at the beginning, the leaves share the voice with me, and let me plant seeds in my heart…
So recently, I went to experience a sound yoga,
The teacher who taught is the mark of the pan-Yin.
I love his selfless and loving sharing
And take care and feel every one of us
When the first class said
The voices made here are all about the moment.
There is no bad right or wrong, every voice is right…
Let me feel free to feel at ease
First night
Mark is very natural to mix everyone’s voices together in space, let each other’s strange partner, quickly flowing, just two hours, my whole body is dancing.

/ breathing practice
A lot of things to feel in this practice,
I am also practicing to practice the feeling
Where to breathe, where to go, expand or shrink…
Never thought about what happened so naturally,
But these two recent courses are reminding this thing, that is the moment.

/ vowel triangle
Love to play with the vowel triangle
But I will find myself very short in this,
Will also want to work with other people
Make your own rhythm between perfection and coordination
Oh ~ suck ~
Oh ~ Ah ~ one

/ the ocean of sound
With the imitation of a natural voice,
Let your voice be thrown into the ocean
The Forest, the pond, the water, the swamp, the swamp, the sky, everything, the sound of the earth.
Who likes to share quietly, she feels like she’s shiny, so let the voice come out on her own…
So conscious body, I’m still on my way to practice

/ deep listening
Voice together in the outdoors,
Listen to the sound of the space and follow
Listen to the sound of not, create
In the way.
Made a contemporary music
I love this fusion melody.

/ surprise
Surround a circle and make a few voices with Mark,
Close your eyes and close your eyes
A few sounds without rules
Then slowly,
Mark puts the nissan into the circle
Close your eyes in the circle and enjoy the melody
Mark is singing faster and faster
Getting more and more specific
Starting to find something wrong
Open your eyes and look at mark
He smiled at me
She has already learned it early.
Yes, it’s really what I thought
The students laugh at one after one.
Mulberry finally realized the chú le of this party
I am in tears to accept everyone’s singing
This moment is so touching
So beautiful ~ so beautiful ~

/ Winter Solstice Lights out
Surround the candles with a peaceful night, close your eyes with the feeling of stars, the sound of nature that surround us, like the stars that have fallen in the grass, the sound of everything.

/ sana ceremony
Classmate Blues on the night for you all the night
First experience ceremony, the sana drum burst out my whole body current, under the protection of the guardian spirit, I felt the process, the jungle, the speed, the dark spin, then the snake that came out, finally let myself slowly pull away, see one Deer stop
Lithuania was called by the drum of the drum to run
It also dance, the whole field, sitting or moving.
Every world, fantasy world ~

/ vowel
I am deeply aware of my voice.
Where did the sound go in the resonance body?
Mark said
Where the body and the sound will be resonance
But but
Ideas can also let the voice go where you want him to go
At the end everyone’s voice shakes,
All have different discoveries
This makes me think the voice is so funny
Everyone’s body feels so unique

/ breathing rhythm
The difference in the length of breathing,
Can also be a beautiful song
I’m enjoying this chapter too
The sum of each instrument
It’s a movement of life.

/ Pan-voice solo
One afternoon mark singing for everyone
Sitting and lying free
It was a cloudy afternoon.
While a pan-Tone Melody keeps on the these
All I hear is the voice of an angel
Right now
The Golden sunshine outside the window goes through the pink curtains
Angel Light gentle on mark
I didn’t have time to take pictures of that one
But in my mind
My whole body is dancing

/ eight sound
Everyone’s voice is so unique and nice
There is the singing of the old soul in the voice of the old soul
Thinking of her guardian spirit grandma and love
It’s my turn to kick the card.
Is the flower God singing!!!
Clear and beautiful, so touching
When it was my turn, my head wanted to work
Later I told myself to forget it
What makes the voice is what is
Even though I know my voice is not even where I’m going
My Voice God is helping me find the level
Went for a couple of semitone
I just went to the place where I should go.
I can say too
That’s my precision in control of my semitone (allocated ~

After three days of playing
Very Loose, slow and amazing body all kinds of sour
I didn’t expect it. It was just a voice.
The body has all kinds of pull
But remember that Xin Xin said very well
(but I forgot what she said XD)
But after she said, I just had a moment.
Lala also shared mark in mechanical noise
Find out the rhythm of its regular rhythm
Make noise not just noise

Harvest a lot in three days,
Maybe I’m still in the aftershocks and feel slowly
The only part that knows what I know most
Probably I’m not that relaxing myself yet
The voice is too strange to me after all
But after these process
It’s better to lose the established impression of the voice in my childhood
The Color of the voice is so wide and infinite
Tell yourself, it’s just to play, go play!

Sound Yoga is yoga and impromptu
He is more than a voice,
Is the one that makes the heart, spirit and body

Thank you Yu Chih Lin for taking me on the pool
Thank you Xiaoying Ye for the link
Thank you Jackal Mei for the invitation XD
Thanks Mark Van Tongeren
Leading the experience of my experience
Had me so much fun on this sound tour…



Concert with Sinan Arat in Oosterkerk, Amsterdam

Over enkele weken doe ik een dubbelconcert met Sinan Arat in de Oosterkerk in amsterdam. Hij is vooral bekend van zijn ney spel, zijn hoofdinstrument. Ik heb hem nog niet ontmoet maar we hebben wel overlegd hoe we het willen gaan doen. Vanwege ons beider voorliefde voor improvisatie hebben we besloten te proberen om niet twee solo-blokken te spelen met een beetje overlap, maar de uitwisseling aan te gaan. Ik ben al langer op zoek naar samenwerking met een goede fluitspeler. In Taiwan zijn die dun gezaaid, zeker spelers die een dergelijke rijke, luchtige klank produceren. Dat heb je natuurlijk in Japan met de shakuhachi en in India met de bansuri (die Sinan ook bespeelt). Maar ik werd helemaal stil van het spel van Sinan toen ik gisteren onderstaande video van hem bekeek. Van die prachtige, lange, rustige tonen, waarin de adem steeds doorklinkt, en daarmee de ziel van de speler – of van de muziek zelf zo je wilt.



Sinan bespeelt naast de ney rietfluit ook lijsttrommels en zingt, en hij heeft Indiase muziek bestudeerd. En aangezien ik de laatste jaren ook experimenteer met fluiten en met de Marrokaanse bendir lijsttrommel én omdat ik ook al jaren met Indiase muziek bezig ben, hebben we aardig wat overlap. Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe dat gaat uitpakken, zijn voornamelijk traditionele spel met mijn meer experimentele benadering.


Het concert is op zondag 15 juli en begint om 12:00

Gratis toegankelijk (donaties welkom).

Adres: Oosterkerk, Kleine Wittenburgerstraat 1, Amsterdam.


De dag ervoor doe ik een eendaagse workshop boventoonzang, ook in de Oosterkerk in Amsterdam, voor wie wil kennismaken met deze techniek.


Beluister ook het mooie interview met Sinan rondom de VPRO sessie.

“Sinan Arat uit Turkije speelt en improviseert op de ney (Turkse fluit) en laat zich inspireren door de Ottomaanse en Anatolische traditie. Hij wordt begeleid door Alper Kekeç op percussie. In het interview met Giovanca vertelt Sinan hoe hij kennis leerde maken met de ney.”