
2024 和布農族一起歌唱 九月聲音的海洋工作坊 Ocean of Voices with the Bunun

Break the wall with sounds. The world is much wider than you thought.

用聲音打破那道高牆 看見比你想像更廣大的世界
聲音的海洋 深入傳統,創造屬於自己的傳統,與布農族一起歌唱。


(English below)



◇ 與原住民朋友一起歌唱,學習布農族歌謠

◇ 世界各地的傳統音樂
◇ 創造自己的民謠
◇ 完全放飛自我的即興音樂派對
◇ 進入山林與內心的療癒假期



日期: 2024年9月22-25日(週日至週三)

地點:南投埔里-江山樂活, 南投信義鄉


Singing a song with the males in center and the females surrounding.






/第一天 週日/

16:00-18:00 抵達 & 住宿 Check-in

18:00-19:30 晚餐

19:30-21:00 工作坊介紹 「聲音的海洋」



/第二天 週一/
10:00-12:30 工作坊1:探索布農族傳統吟唱的特徵與技巧
12:30-13:30 午餐 & 午睡
13:30-15:30 工作坊2:練習一些布農族歌曲和自由的歌唱
15:30-16:00 準備前往部落的物品(相機、服裝、防蚊液等)

16:00-17:00 前往的路途

17:00-18:30 路上的簡便晚餐

18:30-20:00 參與布農族的部落練唱時刻

20:00-21:00 部落合照時間,交流時間

21:00-22:00 回程埔里&印象時刻討論


/第三天 週二/

10:00-12:30 工作坊3:發現更多傳統 & 創造我們的傳統

12:30-14:30 午餐&休息

14:30-18:00 工作坊4:探索更多其他傳統,或是器樂使用的傳統

18:00-19:30 晚餐

20:00-????? 果醬音樂之夜 玩音樂直到睡著為止XDD



/第四天 週三/
9:30-12:30 工作坊5:從前幾天的體驗更深層探索
12:30-13:30 午餐
14:00-15:30 工作坊6:整合這幾天所學習到的

15:30-16:00 感恩分享&QA 時間

 16:00-17:00 活動結束










【語言】: 英文+中文(全程翻譯)









Mark van Tongeren,來自荷蘭的聲音探索者,對藝術、科學及冥想傳統的融合有著深厚的興趣與經驗。Mark在劇場、音樂、舞蹈製作等領域有30年的資歷,並自荷蘭萊登大學的創意與表演藝術學院取得博士學位。他練習瑜伽已有約25年,並在大約12年前創建了一種融合藝術表演工具的瑜伽形式。自青少年時期起,他就開始演奏、實驗和研究各種聲音、音樂和表演實踐,並不斷擴展他的「聲音詞彙」。


帶領者: Mark Van Tongeren

活動舉辦者:Jackal Mei

翻譯:Hong Hong Lin

行政助理:張惜音 Sunny



一般問題及住宿問題,請聯繫Jackal Mei:


Line ID:jackallala

Mobile:+886 936596910




報名開放日期:2024 年7月9日

超早鳥優惠:至 2024 年7月23日

早鳥優惠:至 2024 年8月15日

報名結束日期:至 2024 年9月8日



◆原價:22.000 NT$

◆早鳥優惠:19,000 NT$

◆早鳥雙人:18,000 NT$ (需兩人同時報名)

◆微早鳥:20,000 NT$

◆舊生價:17,000 NT$ (參加過馬克工作坊5個整天學員)

◆TOSA泛音協會會員價:17,000 NT$

◆經濟方面需要協助的藝術家(需有證明) :16,000 NT$

◆學生年長者:17,600 NT$










– 至埔里的交通

– 住宿。住宿將提前安排,三晚住宿的價格範圍



★雙人房:2,700NT$ (1大床 / 1-2人)

★四人房:5,400NT$ (2大床 / 2-4人)



雙人房:5,400 NT$ (1 大床 / 1-2人)

四人房:7,800 NT$ (1大床+2小床 / 2-4人)









Mark van Tongeren recording the Pasi But But in 2004








請以Line、Email 擇一聯繫惜音

—LINE ID: hsiyinchang











報名此工作坊代表你了解: 1) 工作坊可能會有劇烈肢體運動,引起身體跟心理的衝擊。2) 工作坊中的每項活動都不是強制性的,你必須衡量自身狀況(身體/心理/情緒)來決定要不要參與。3) 你會對自己的身體及心理狀態負責,主辦方不承擔任何相關的傷害、損失及賠償責任。



Ocean of Voices

Break the wall with sounds. The world is much wider than you thought. 



In three days we dive deep into the Ocean of Sound, we uncover unknown traditions from around the globe, listen to examples and try out our own versions. You also learn how to create a traditional song (A lullaby? An invocation? A cheerful greeting song?) by yourself, or together, on the go. You already love to sing and already know your voice has so many shades. But only some of these shades find expression in everyday life, and now we expand this creative, sonic potential.


Join us for a celebration of the power of the human voice and of creative imagination lurking underneath the surface. Surely your ancestors knew folk songs, religious hymns, ceremonial chants: let them come back to the surface again, in a new guise. At the start and highlight of our exploration, the Bunun from XinYi are so kind to welcome us during their weekly singing session. You will have a chance to sing with them, up-close, and in this way you learn how they create their polyphonic songs and can try to join in with them. A first-hand immersion in one of the many living traditions of this beautiful island and a unique chance very few people have ever had!






Sunday 22 September

16-18 arrival time, check-in

18-19:30 dinner

19:30-21:00 introduction session Ocean of Voices.


Monday 23 September

10-12:30 practice: exploring techniques of Bunun and related music

12:30-13:30 lunchbreak

13:30-15:30 practice some Bunun songs and free-style singing

16:00 Leave for XinYi and for early diner

18:30-20:00 session with the Bunun 

21:00  Return to our BNB and aftertalk 


Tuesday 24 September

10-12:30 practice: discover more traditions, create our own

12:30-14:30 break

14:30-18:00 practice: exploring different vocal (maybe instrumental) traditions

18-19:30 dinner

Special Evening Jam: non-stop music making


Wednesday 25 September

9:30-12:30 session: go through Bunun and other practices, rounding up

12:30-13:30 lunch

14:00-15:30 last session, harvesting what we learnt

15:30-16:00 sharing, Q&A

16:00-17:00 departure time


We reserve the right to change the program times and themes.

Jiang shan le hou

Puli, Nantou


Puli, Nantou

All meals are delicious, creative vegetarian cooking by our hostess Hui Mei.


Anyone who is curious and confident enough to sing with others.

(Minimum: 8, maximum:16 people)


English + Chinese


Requirement: you will receive a download album by the Bunun (included) to prepare for the session with them. Sign up early and reserve some time to familiarize yourself with the repertoire!


Mark van Tongeren is a Dutch sound explorer with a deep interest in the synergy of arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. Mark has over 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative and Performing Arts. He practices yoga for some 25 years, created a form of yoga that integrates artistic-performative tools about 12 years ago. He has played and experimented with and studied numerous kinds of voice / music & performance practices since he was a teenager and continues to expand his ‘voca-bulary’. Read more details below or check out www.fusica.nl.


This workshop is brought to you by Jackal Mei (organiser), Hong-Hong Lin (translator), Mark van Tongeren and Sunny Chang (Hsi Yin, administrative assistant).


▲ To register, please send an email to Hsi-Yin:

▲ For any questions about the contents, and lodging, please contact Jackal Mei:
Line ID:jackallala
Mobile:+886 936596910

(We will do our best to reply within 3 working days)



Opening: July 9

Early bird period 1: until July 23

Early bird period 2: until August 15

Closing date: Sunday September 8



– Tuition fee
– All 9 lunches, dinners and breakfasts (including Sunday dinner and Wednesday lunch)
– Insurance
– Transport from Puli to Xinyi and back (on Monday only).



– Transport to Puli

– Lodging. This is arranged prior to the workshop and prices vary. Thanks to our long-standing patronage we enjoy old prices! See under ‘accomodation’ for pricing.



Regular price, no discounts NT$ 22.000

Early Bird 1 NT$ 19.000

Early Bird 2 NT$ 20.000

Student with ID NT$ 17.600 (20% off)

Second friend to join with you: minus 1.000 NT$

Poor struggling artist: NT$ 16.000

TOSA member, returning student NT$ 17.000



㊣General Rooms:

△△Double room: 2,700 NT$ (1 bed, 1-2 ppl)

△Quad room: 5,400NT$(2 beds, 2-4 ppl)

㊣Taiwan Hinoki woodern rooms:

Double room: 5,400 NT$ (2 beds, 1-2 ppl)

Quad room: 7,800 NT$ (1 bed + 2 small beds, 2-4 ppl)



Please send an email to Hsi-Yin (hsiyin724@gmail.com) for registration. We will confirm with you the amount of payment (registration fee + accommodation fee) and you can then make a transfer to: 

Bank code: 822.

Name of bank: China Trust

Beneficiary: Mark Christiaan van Tongeren

Account number: 163540306745

Send Jackal your name, the last 5 digits of your account number and the transferred amount after your payment. We will confirm reception within 5 working days.


We try to keep prices reasonable. We will return 90% of the fee if you cancel 31 – 60 days prior to the workshop.

We will return 50% of the fee if you cancel 30 – 15 days prior to the workshop.

We will return 20% of the fee if you cancel within 14 days prior to the workshop.

If you find a substitute for your spot, we will keep 10% of the administration fee.



By signing up you automatically acknowledge your understanding that this retreat sometimes involves strenuous physical exercise, potentially disrupting body-work and emotionally charged sessions with a deep impact on your well-being. It is understood that you yourself best know of any risks (physical, emotional, psychological) and that there is no pressure or obligation to do each and every exercise. By joining this retreat you accept the consequences and state your intention to complete it till the end. You waive all rights to seek or receive compensation in case of injury, loss or damage that is not directly caused by us.





Voice Yoga


Other upcoming events:



And on Facebook:





Winter-Spring Program 2025

Concerts, workshops and other upcoming events.

Details below


Weekly Voice Yoga on Friday in Taipei

Details are here.


Presentation 西藏苯教唱誦共學團 Tibetan Bon chanting group

An offering of Bon-Po chants and instrumental pieces



▍活動時程 ▍

1:45 開放入場
2:00 演出開始
2:45 茶敘交流
3:15 清場

3:45 開放入場
4:00 演出開始
4:50 活動結束

*** 兩場次呈現內容相同,

▍地點  ▍東梨學院



▍Schedule ▍

【Presentation 1】
1:45 door opens
2:00 show starts
2:45 Tea & Talk
3:15 clear the space for next performance

【Presentation 2】
Admission opens at 3:45
4:00 show starts
4:50 event ends

***The content presented in both sessions is the same.
After the second presentation, there is no tea time.

▍Location  ▍

TungLeeAcademy (103 臺北市大同區迪化街一段256號)

More info here



Shruti Box Sale

印度風琴Shruti box 特賣(另有一台冬布拉琴Tambura!)以及:印度風琴唱歌即興課程重新開始
下週三,1 月 8 日,我將帶著一些剩餘的、二手的以及少量全新的印度風琴到台北,讓大家試用。我需要清空剩餘的庫存以迎接新的風琴。這些印度風琴品質可能不是最好,但有些仍然不錯,價格也非常實惠。一些學生為了升級購買新的印度風琴,也在出售了他們舊的、狀況仍然良好的樂器。此外,我還會帶來一台狀況不錯的冬布拉琴,價格會稍微優惠一些。
如果你正在考慮購入新的印度風琴,下週也可以來試試看。我將開始接受預訂,並提供一個小折扣,低於正常售價。這些印度風琴的價格範圍大約是 4000 到 13000。

1 月 8 日,星期三,上午 13:00 至 14:30
最後但並非最不重要的: Shruti 即興歌唱即將重新開始。每週或每兩週開課一次,探索使用 Drone 樂器進行聲樂即興演奏。
SHRUTI BOX SALE (plus one tambura)
This week I will bring a bunch of left-over, second-hand and a few new shruti boxes to Taipei for anyone to try out. My left-over stock must make space for new ones. They are not great quality but some are still fine and they are low-priced. A few students sell their old and still fine shruti boxes in order to upgrade to a new one. I also have a fine tambura that I will bring for a somewhat reduced price.
If you consider to get a new shruti box you can try it out next week as well. I will start taking pre-orders and give a small discount compared to the regular price. The prices for all these shruti boxes range from about 4000-13000.
Wednesday 8, 13.00-14:30 AM.
Da’an District, Taipei City, No 8-5, Lishui Street
Just pass by!
And last but not least: Shruti Singing Improvisations Restarts soon. Weekly or bi-weekly classes to explore vocal improvisation with a drone instrument. Stay tuned for the details.




聲音的共鳴 年度團體 R E S O N A N C E   YEARGROUP

三月- 五月 2025  March – April – May 2025

The finest and most complete in-person introduction to overtone singing and overall

resonance of voice, mind and body, running for over ten years.

Early bird discounts up to January 31st!

Now in a new hybrid format:

– 4 weeks online

– 4 days group practise in Hualien

– 2 days round-up in Taipei

– including 1-on-1 session

Go to the special  R E S O N A N C E page.

Details coming soon.




12月 19-23 December 19-23 2025



Not found what you are looking for?

Tell us so we can help you.

Singing with the Bunun

Recently my Resonance students – plus a few guests – joined the second Sound Journey. The first Sound Journey was about the Art of Listening, in Hsinchu. This time, we delved into musical traditions in an outdoor camping/guesthouse site in Puli, with fantastic views of the valleys and mountains of Nantou. The central event was a visit to the Bunun village of Mingder, now called Naihunpu (formerly Naifubo) in the Bunun vernacular. Here we were warmly received by mainly elder people (mostly 50+) of this small community. I visited them for the first time in 2005, when I stayed there for a few days, talking to them and recording their songs on audio and video. I was introduced to them at that time by Dr. Wu Rung Shun, the well-known expert on Taiwanese indigenous music and a recordist/compiler of the most extensive collection of published recordings from Taiwan, The Music of the Aborigines on Taiwan Island Vol. 1-9.

The Music of the Aborigines on Taiwan Island, Vol. 1: The Bunun

The Music of the Aborigines on Taiwan Island, Vol. 1: The Bunun



Recording the Bunun of Naihunpu in 2005 (they gave me their dress to wear for the occasion).

In 2005 I was struck by the Bunun’s music, their hospitality and their willingness to share their music, dance and wisdom with me. But I had no opportunity to follow up on my visit for a long time. Last year I finally returned, meeting some familiar faces  and quite a few new ones too. I wasn’t just interested to learn more about their music for myself; I thought it would also be great if my students had a chance to experience their music. After all this music is always polyphonic, and it is more interesting to learn it together. So I asked the Bunun leaders if we could come over one afternoon to learn from them, and they agreed. They pointed out that they had Wu Rung Shun’s students visiting and that it was not easy to learn their songs. We were slightly uncertain as to how satisfying this would be for both parties. They had never worked with a group like ours, that is, a group of students that did not study music at the academic level. Perhaps we would not be able to make much of their music ourselves?

We came prepared: all of us had listened to the CD the Bunun from this village had recently produced, with a selection of their repertoire. And the evening before I had talked about different vocal styles and techniques and practised these with the group. We had also tried a Kyrie from Corsica, a polyphonic Christian song that I deemed appropriate to learn during this Easter weekend.

We were warmly received by a large group of about twenty people who were all introduced to us, and we all introduced ourselves to them. They were clearly very willing and eager to teach us about their music and perform for us. They insisted to change to their full traditional regalia of dresses, pants, headbands, earrings and carry-on bags, so they looked fabulous. Surprisingly, what seemed to be newly-made handwoven vests, turned out to be actually quite old, and worn for many occasions throughout the years. They took great care to maintain it.
After watching several pieces performed by them, I asked if we could mingle and spread out between them, men between men, women between women. That would allow my students to better hear that each individual sings something different. After all, in a recording you hear many voices, but you are not really able to find out how one particular voice moves around in the polyphonic network. They readily agreed and so we could hear at close range what different voices do: a completely different experience than hearing the whole song, played back from a CD. Ten years ago I also recorded Amis songs this way, moving between the singers so as to get a clear picture of different individual voices. It was very revealing! Suddenly the chords jump to life all around you, like some kind of enhanced-dolby-5.1-stereo – much better than that in fact.


The meeting continued with more singing, sitting between the Bunun, absorbing the richnes of their musical patterns and imitating them. They asked us to sing our Corsican Kyrie for them, which my students dared to do, even though they had only learned it the day before. It was an approriate thing to do, as the Bunun are Christians and were actually very busy this time of year preparing for next day’s Easter Sunday celebrations (later that night they still went to church to prepare for it).
Later on, we saw and heard the men sing the Pasi But But: the most famous of Bunun vocal pieces. It is so unique in the world of music that it is hard to come up with any parallel. When I first heard a recording of the Pasi But But some 20 years ago, I thought of the music of György Ligeti, the contemporary Hungarian composer whom I listened to quite a bit at that time. The slow, draggingly-ascending lines, curled up into each other, make up for a  confusing sound experience, unlike most other types of polyphony (I also listened to hundreds of music traditions around the world, but the Bunun piece resembled none of them).

Thanks – again – to Wu Rung Shun’s PhD thesis of 1995, the mystery of this piece was revealed in all its fantastic detail, including all the meanings, terms, spiritual messages and other practices associated with it. With him and his colleague Dr. Chung Mingder and students at the Taipei National University of Arts we tried the piece many times. We often got lost in the steadily increasing flow of microtonal changes; sometimes we had some degree of succes; it was always intense and exhausting.


Singing the Pasi But But

We were lucky enough – at least the four males of our group – to be invited to join their Pasi But But after they had done it. Again, each man of our group was surrounded by other men, and each in one of the four pitch-groups, holding hands and twisting arms firmly behind our backs. With the guidance of the experienced Bunun men’s strong, certain voices, there was little risk of messing this piece up, and indeed the three other men who never did it before got through it alright.
Finally, we shared more food, excited talk and some wine, as well as some Jew’s harp and mouth-bow playing to conclude our acquaintance.

Later that night, after we returned to the house on the mountain slope where we stayed, our group members unanimously rejoiced in this learning experience. Each for themsleves, they had made very different discoveries. One heard new songs that she had never heard before from the Bunun. Another said it was revealing to sing while being surrounded by several elders. A third was thrilled to feel the powerful voice of an aged, yet virile singer next to her. Another found out that the Bunun do not simply hit some notes here and there, but make certain patterns and still structure their pieces even though they improvise. Yet another marvelled at hearing the Pasi But But at close range, which is so different form a concert performance at a distance. One of the men of our group understood much better how this song worked after being taught to sing it with them.

BununSaniSuglumanBununOfferingDiang Nangavulan BununBilingDemuSq

My thanks to all the Bunun participants in the workshop, especially chief/chairman Diang Nangavulan (centre), Biling Demu (right) and Sani Sugluman (left).