
2024 Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat

December 19- 22 2024

Be timeless in sound


Three and a half days of intense explorations of voice and movement

for body-mind balance

and creative, vibrant well-being.




Scroll down for the Mandarin version



Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei




In Voice Yoga’s dynamic group process, you go beyond your habits and expectations. Something larger than yourself emerges: a flow of hidden creative potential.

Grounded in physical exercise such as yoga or contact improvisation, we work with all kinds of sounds without meaning and without emphasizing a beautiful singing voice. Pure, direct expressions and sensations of physical resonance and vibration through mouth, limbs, hips, feet, skin and inner organs.


We go beyond common subject-object and mind-body dualities, and bring our unconscious selves and sometimes irrational emotions to the surface. The group process becomes a mirror for the self and allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside. The result is often of a surprising clarity and immediacy.





We start Thursday December 19th at 9 AM and suggest you arrive the evening before.
We finish after lunch on Sunday 22th, around 1:30 PM.

Day 1

9:00-12:30 introduction to the program. Light exercising, breathing exercises, start moving, toning, improvising.
12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

18:00-19:30 dinner & rest

Day 2

9:00-12:00 Slow meditative warm-up, mild to vigorous exercising, toning, noise making, lie-down exercises.

12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations
18:00-19:00 dinner

Day 3

9:00-12:00 Slow meditative warm-up, mild to vigorous exercising, toning, noise making. Once again: restorative (half-)sleep/dream.

12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-17:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

17:00-19:00 Early dinner and preparations for the evening
19:00-21:00/22:00 observe and celebrate today’s Winter Solstice. On our last evening we will jointly celebrate the change from darkness to light. Participants can contribute a memory or reflection, a song, a dance, individually, en groupe, as a duo, whatever comes up. Consider to bring an instrument you play, candles to lighten up the atmosphere, a special garment or hat to wear.

Day 4 (half day)

9:00-12:00 Review, continuation and round-up.

12:30-14:30 lunch and bye bye



We hold our sessions in Shufang’s Energy Healing, a gorgeous yoga studio with a big garden in Dulan, Taidong. The studio has all utilities we need. We can use the big lawn outside for music and workouts in fresh air, a giant rock to repose, and shady places to rest.

There are several options for your overnight stay nearby, on a walking distance or further away. We are about a 10 minutes walk from downtown Dulan.

Accommodation: We recommend Moonrise Inn as it is the closest to the studio.

Hostels recommendation: Tranquilo Hostel or On My Way Dulan Hostel 



The workshop attracts young, curious artists; established musicians and performers facing creative obstacles or blockades; yoga and other body-mind workers not very familiar with sound; people familiar with sound but needing a fuller understanding and experience of it; people youna and old looking for physical and spiritual development; practitioners of Buddhism and other contemplative traditions needing deeper breathing and chanting practice; busy people needing a break from work in a relaxed atmosphere. Despite the name, Voice Yoga is not a harsh or demanding yoga camp, quite the contrary: it lets you grow at your own peace and rest and sleep or observe when you want to.

There are no specific requirements to join. Ages frange from early 20s to late 70s. Yoga, music or other skills are not required. We strive for a group between 8 and 12 people.




Bring a yoga mat to exercise and lie down. There are sitting cushions and also chairs if you cannot sit on the floor for long. Bring something to cover yourself when we repose or meditate. Bringing an instrument is a good idea (no need to play it well; a percussive instrument is always good).


Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei



English + Chinese



Mark van Tongeren is a Dutch sound explorer with a deep interest in the synergy of arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. Mark has 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative of Performing Arts. He practices yoga for some twenty-five years and all kinds of voice/music/performance practices for 35 years. His enterprise Fusica was established in 1998 to explore intersections of sound and the arts (music) on the one hand, and acoustic and other academic research (fusikè, physics) on the other.




This workshop is brought to you by organiser Jackal Mei, translator Sunny Chen and hosted by Shufang Wang.

Administrative assistance by Hsi-Yin Chang.

Jackal, Sunny, Mark


For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark.


FB: https://www.facebook.com/Paraphony

Phone 0910382749


For any questions about the contents, lodging, travel and food details, registration and payment issues ask Hsi-Yin.

Hsi Yin: hsiyin724@gmail.com




  29.500 NT$

Bring a new friend / each       1.000 NT$ off



– Tuition fee

– All lunches and diners (including Sunday lunch)

– Insurance


– Transport to Taidong

– Lodging




– Please complete your online application form , and transfer application fee.

– online application form: https://form.jotform.com/242963852336363
– After transferring, please SMS, Line, or email to inform Hsi-Yin with your name, and the last 5 numbers of your bank account
– After receiving your fee, we will send a confirmation email in 5 days, and invite you joining our line group for more event detail.


Bank code: 822.

Name of bank: China Trust

Beneficiary: Mark Christiaan van Tongeren

Account number: 163540306745

Make sure to send an email to Hsi-Yin after your payment. We will confirm reception as soon as possible.


We try to keep prices reasonable. If you cannot make it for some reason, we will return 80% of deposit fees up to 2 weeks before the event, 50% in the second week before starting date, and no refund in the last week leading to the event. In case of proven COVID-19-related problems we can give a refund (minus admin charge) or save the registration and fees for a next workshop.

We reserve the right to cancel the retreat in the case we do not reach the minimum number of participants, between 4 and 2 weeks before starting date; in this case all paid workshop fees will be promptly returned. We are not responsible for expenses for the BnB or transport.


By signing up you automatically acknowledge your understanding that this retreat sometimes involves strenuous physical exercise, potentially disrupting body-work and emotionally charged sessions with a deep impact on your well-being. It is understood that you yourself best know of any risks (physical, emotional, psychological) and that there is no pressure or obligation to do each and every exercise. By joining this retreat you accept the consequences and state your intention to complete it till the end. You waive all rights to seek or receive compensation in case of injury, loss or damage.

We reserve the right to cancel the retreat in the case we do not reach the minimum number of participants, between 4 and 2 weeks before starting date; in this case all paid workshop fees will be promptly returned. We are not responsible for expenses for the BnB or transport.




Mark’s Voice Yoga runs for over 10 years and brings together decades of creative, vocal expression, yogic discipline and contemplative traditions.

Voice Yoga is neither yoga as you see all around you, or music as you hear it every day. It is a personal, artistic synthesis of a wide range of musical, resonant, theatrical, contemplative and physical arts. What binds them together is Mark’s unique synthesis and his vision to create a strong sense of flow, no matter what the activity is. Serious workouts smoothly blend with unforgettable (and unrepeatable!) musical creations, deep breath work morphs into contact improv and vocal exercises into absurdistic theatre.

This retreat will give you a big boost, whether you are a musician, dancer, yoga teacher, actor, or just interested in working on your personal growth through the connections between sound, body and mind. No problem if you’ve never done yoga before!




For a taste of this retreat, come to one of the weekly Voice Yoga classes in Taipei for a 2-hour session.

Find the details here.


Your team: Jackal, Sunny, Hsi-Yin, Mark on the rooftop of Shufang’s Energy Healing classroom,

overlooking Dulan and the Pacific Ocean.




“I felt many sounds inside me first time and I felt there is an inner space inside my body. That was an very powerful experience for me. The body wasn’t what I knew before. I felt peace when you sang… I do have a lot of fun when you want us imitate your voice… Every time when we make sounds together I feel I am decomposing and putting every part of me in one again. “

– Judith


” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy


” I enjoyed the class very much today. You had everyone engaged and creatively expressed as well as discharging and recharging well. “

– Tina


” More than ever, it brings back my childhood so I can play again. “

– Kovida


” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy


” Voice Yoga helps me feel lighter. “

– Jennifer


” I enjoy a lot and feel relaxed, this is a special course for me. “

– Judy


” This is better than sex! “

– Tammy











一期一會 人聲與想像力的年終慶典






關於聲音瑜伽 療癒假期

在聲音瑜伽的動態團體過程中,你將超越自己的習慣和期望。看見比自我更廣大的自己開始甦醒: 那些隱藏著的創造力開始顯現,如河水般開始流動。































19:00 – 21:00/22:00 :這是我們的最後一個晚上,在冬至和平安夜之間,我們將一起慶祝從黑暗到光明的轉變。參與者可以貢獻一個記憶或反思,一首歌,一支舞蹈,個人,集體,作為一對,無論發生什麼。你可考慮攜帶一個你會演奏的樂器,蠟燭來燈亮氛圍,一件特別的衣物或帽子來穿著。























儘管名為Voice Yoga,但這並不是一個嚴格或苛刻的瑜伽營,相反,它讓您按照自己的節奏成長,休息、睡覺或觀察都是可以的。 參加工作坊無需特定要求。年齡從20多歲到約75歲不等。不需要瑜伽、音樂或其他技能。我們希望參加的人數在8到12人之間。







2021聲音瑜伽 冬至療癒假期。 攝影:Jackal Mei




英語 + 中文即席翻譯






Mark van Tongeren 是一位荷蘭聲音探索家,對藝術、科學和冥想傳統的交互作用深感興趣。Mark 在戲劇、音樂和舞蹈製作方面擁有 30 年的經驗,並獲得萊頓大學創意表演藝術學院的博士學位。他練習瑜伽有約25年的經驗,並在聲音、音樂、表演等各種實踐領域已有 35 年的經驗。他的品牌 Fusica 成立於 1998 年,旨在探索聲音和藝術(音樂)以及科學和學術(fusikè,物理學)之間的交集。

認識更多馬克老師  www.fusica.nl。



帶領者: Mark Van Tongeren
翻譯: Sunny Chen
活動規劃兼攝影: Jackal Mei

場地主人: 王曙芳



Mark 和惜音


  • For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark: 


Phone/LINE:  0910382749

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Paraphony


  • 課程內容、食宿問題、匯款,請聯繫惜音:


Line ID:hsiyinchang




1) 工作坊可能會有劇烈肢體運動,引起身體跟心理的衝擊。

2) 工作坊中的每項活動都不是強制性的,你必須衡量自身狀況(身體/心理/情緒)來決定要不要參與。

3) 你會對自己的身體及心理狀態負責,主辦方不承擔任何相關的傷害、損失及賠償責任。





全額費用:29.500 NT$



超早鳥優惠 / 75折:22.125 NT$

學生;經濟方面需要支持的藝術家(需提供證明) / 75折:22.125 NT$



早鳥優惠 / 85折:25.075 NT$

TOSA會員 / 年長者 85折:26.550 NT$

雙人報名 / 早鳥外加95折:額外每人1000NT$折扣

舊生優惠 / 7折:20.650 NT$



原價 /29.500 NT$

雙人報名 / 95折:額外每人1000NT$折扣








* 交通

* 住宿



1.請先完成線上登記手續: https://form.jotform.com/242963852336363 ,並於3天內匯款完畢










課程開始兩週前取消報名 ,主辦方將保留80%費用
















歡迎來參加台北每週五一次的聲音瑜珈課程, 每堂課為2小時。





Autumn-Winter Program 2024-2025






「第一次我感到內心有許多聲音,我感到我的身體內有一個內在的空間。這對我來說是非常強大的經驗。這個身體不再是我以前所知道的。當你唱歌的時候,我感到平靜…當你要求我們模仿你的聲音時,我覺得非常有趣…每次當我們一起發聲時,我感到自己正在分解,然後再重新組合每個部分。」- Judith

「你的課程向我展示了呼吸和聲音的魔力。這讓我的內在小孩非常開心。」- Nancy

「我非常喜歡今天這堂課。你讓每個人都參與其中,充分表達自己,並且有很好的放鬆和充電。」- Tina

「這比以往任何時候都讓我回想起我的童年,所以我可以再次玩耍。」-  Kovida

「聲音瑜伽幫助我感到更輕盈。」- Jennifer

「我非常享受,感到放鬆,這對我來說是一門特別的課程。」- Judy 

「這比性愛還要棒!」- Tammy


Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat


December 21- 24 2023

Be timeless in sound


Three and a half days of intense explorations of voice and movement for body-mind balance and creative, vibrant well-being.




Scroll down for the Mandarin version



Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei




In Voice Yoga’s dynamic group process, you go beyond your habits and expectations. Something larger than yourself emerges: a flow of hidden creative potential.

Grounded in physical exercise such as yoga or contact improvisation, we work with all kinds of sounds without meaning and without emphasizing a beautiful singing voice. Pure, direct expressions and sensations of physical resonance and vibration through mouth, limbs, hips, feet, skin and inner organs.


We go beyond common subject-object and mind-body dualities, and bring our unconscious selves and sometimes irrational emotions to the surface. The group process becomes a mirror for the self and allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside. The result is often of a surprising clarity and immediacy.





We start Thursday Dec 21st at 9 AM and suggest you arrive the evening before.
We finish after lunch on Sunday 24th, around 1:30 PM.

Day 1
9:00-12:30 introduction to the program. Light exercising, breathing exercises, start moving, toning, improvising. Deep sleep session is usually included!
12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

18:00-19:30 dinner & rest
19:30-21:30 observe and celebrate today’s Winter Solstice


Day 2, 3, 4 (half day)
9:00-12:00 Slow meditative warm up, mild to vigorous exercising, toning, noise making. Once again: restorative (half-)sleep/dream.

12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations
18:00-19:00 dinner


On Day 3, our last evening, after the Solstice and before Christmas Eve, we will jointly celebrate the change from darkness to light. Participants can contribute a memory or reflection, a song, a dance, individually, en groupe, as a duo, whatever comes up. Consider to bring an instrument you play, candles to lighten up the atmosphere, a special garment or hat to wear.





We hold our sessions in Shufang’s Energy Healing, a gorgeous yoga studio with a big garden in Dulan, Taidong. The studio has all utilities we need and is fully air-conditioned of course. We can use the big lawn outside for musical workouts in fresh air, giant rocks to repose, and shady places to rest.




The workshop attracts young, curious artists; established musicians and performers facing creative obstacles or blockades; yoga and other body-mind workers not very familiar with sound; people familiar with sound but needing a fuller understanding and experience of it; people youna and old looking for physical and spiritual development; practitioners of Buddhism and other contemplative traditions needing deeper breathing and chanting practice; busy people needing a break from work in a relaxed atmosphere. Despite the name, Voice Yoga is not a harsh or demanding yoga camp, quite the contrary: it lets you grow at your own peace and rest and sleep or observe when you want to.

There are no specific requirements to join. Ages frange from early 20s to around 75. Yoga, music or other skills are not required. We strive for a group between 8 and 12 people.



Bring a yoga mat to exercise and lie down. There are sitting cushions and also chairs if you cannot sit on the floor for long. Bring something to cover yourself when we repose or meditate. Bringing an instrument is a good idea (no need to play it well; a percussive instrument is always good).


Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei



English + Chinese



Mark van Tongeren is a Dutch sound explorer with a deep interest in the synergy of arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. Mark has 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative of Performing Arts. He practices yoga for some twenty-five years and all kinds of voice/music/performance practices for 35 years. His enterprise Fusica was established in 1998 to explore intersections of sound and the arts (music) on the one hand, and science and academica (fusikè, physics) on the other, with .





This workshop is brought to you by organiser Jackal Mei, translator Sunny Chen and hosted by Shufang Wang.

Administrative assistance by Hsi-Yin Chang.

Jackal, Sunny, Mark


For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark.


FB: https://www.facebook.com/Paraphony

Phone 0910382749


For any questions about the contents in Mandarin, and for lodging, travel and food details, ask Jackal.

Jackal: jackallala@gmail.com


For registration and payment issues ask Hsi-Yin.

Hsi Yin: hsiyin724@gmail.com





Regular: NT$ 29.500

Early Bird: – 25%. NT$ 22.125. (2 weeks, till October 19)

Early Bird 2: – 15%. NT$ 25.075 (3 weeks, till November 9)

Doubters’ Discount: – 10%. NT$ 26550 (till 1 month before workshop, November 23)

Poor Struggling Artists Early Bird: – 20%. NT$ 23.600. (Register up to November 23).

Mark’s Old students; TOSA members; students (ID card); seniors without sufficient income:  – 20%. NT$ 23.600.

Bring a friend: – 1000 NT$ (can not be combined with early bird discounts or artist price).



– Tuition fee

– All lunches and diners (including Sunday lunch)

– Insurance


– Transport to Taidong

– Lodging





– Please complete your online application form , and transfer application fee.

– online application form: https://forms.gle/WoCuHwKaMbzp7LZm6
– After transferring, please SMS, Line, or email to inform Hsi-Yin with your name, and the last 5 numbers of your bank account
– After receiving your fee, we will send a confirmation email in 5 days, and invite you joining our line group for more event detail.



Bank code: 822.

Name of bank: China Trust

Beneficiary: Mark Christiaan van Tongeren

Account number: 163540306745

Make sure to send an email to Hsi-Yin after your payment. We will confirm reception as soon as possible.





We try to keep prices reasonable. If you cannot make it for some reason, we will return 80% of deposit fees up to 2 weeks before the event, 50% in the second week before starting date, and no refund in the last week leading to the event. In case of proven COVID-19-related problems we can give a refund (minus admin charge) or save the registration and fees for a next workshop.





By signing up you automatically acknowledge your understanding that this retreat sometimes involves strenuous physical exercise, potentially disrupting body-work and emotionally charged sessions with a deep impact on your well-being. It is understood that you yourself best know of any risks (physical, emotional, psychological) and that there is no pressure or obligation to do each and every exercise. By joining this retreat you accept the consequences and state your intention to complete it till the end. You waive all rights to seek or receive compensation in case of injury, loss or damage.

We reserve the right to cancel the retreat in the case we do not reach the minimum number of participants, between 4 and 2 weeks before starting date; in this case all paid workshop fees will be promptly returned. We are not responsible for expenses for the BnB or transport.




Mark’s Voice Yoga runs for over 10 years and brings together decades of creative, vocal expression, yogic discipline and contemplative traditions.

Voice Yoga is neither yoga as you see all around you, or music as you hear it every day. It is a personal, artistic synthesis of a wide range of musical, resonant, theatrical, contemplative and physical arts. What binds them together is Mark’s unique synthesis and his vision to create a strong sense of flow, no matter what the activity is. Serious workouts smoothly blend with unforgettable (and unrepeatable!) musical creations, deep breath work morphs into contact improv and vocal exercises into absurdistic theatre.

This retreat will give you a big boost, whether you are a musician, dancer, yoga teacher, actor, or just interested in working on your personal growth through the connections between sound, body and mind. No problem if you’ve never done yoga before!





For a taste of this retreat,

come to one of the weekly Voice Yoga

classes in Taipei for a 2-hour session.

Classes will resume again soon, ask for the details.










“I felt many sounds inside me first time and I felt there is an inner space inside my body. That was an very powerful experience for me. The body wasn’t what I knew before. I felt peace when you sang… I do have a lot of fun when you want us imitate your voice… Every time when we make sounds together I feel I am decomposing and putting every part of me in one again. “

– Judith

” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy

” I enjoyed the class very much today. You had everyone engaged and creatively expressed as well as discharging and recharging well. “

– Tina

” More than ever, it brings back my childhood so I can play again. “

– Kovida

” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy

” Voice Yoga helps me feel lighter. “

– Jennifer

” I enjoy a lot and feel relaxed, this is a special course for me. “

– Judy

” This is better than sex! “

– Tammy





一期一會 人聲與想像力的年終慶典






關於聲音瑜伽 療癒假期

在聲音瑜伽的動態團體過程中,你將超越自己的習慣和期望。看見比自我更廣大的自己開始甦醒: 那些隱藏著的創造力開始顯現,如河水般開始流動。










































儘管名為Voice Yoga,但這並不是一個嚴格或苛刻的瑜伽營,相反,它讓您按照自己的節奏成長,休息、睡覺或觀察都是可以的。 參加工作坊無需特定要求。年齡從20多歲到約75歲不等。不需要瑜伽、音樂或其他技能。我們希望參加的人數在8到12人之間。







2021聲音瑜伽 冬至療癒假期。 攝影:Jackal Mei




英語 + 中文即席翻譯






Mark van Tongeren 是一位荷蘭聲音探索家,對藝術、科學和冥想傳統的交互作用深感興趣。Mark 在戲劇、音樂和舞蹈製作方面擁有 30 年的經驗,並獲得萊頓大學創意表演藝術學院的博士學位。他練習瑜伽有約二十五年的經驗,並在聲音、音樂、表演等各種實踐領域已有 35 年的經驗。他的品牌 Fusica 成立於 1998 年,旨在探索聲音和藝術(音樂)以及科學和學術(fusikè,物理學)之間的交集。

認識更多馬克老師  www.fusica.nl。



帶領者: Mark Van Tongeren
翻譯: Sunny Chen
活動規劃兼攝影: Jackal Mei

場地主人: 王曙芳



Mark 和惜音


  • For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark: 


Phone/LINE:  0910382749

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Paraphony


  • 課程內容、食宿問題,請聯繫Jackal Mei: 


Line ID:jackallala

手機號碼:+886 936596910


  • 報名、匯款問題,請聯繫惜音:


Line ID:hsiyin724




1) 工作坊可能會有劇烈肢體運動,引起身體跟心理的衝擊。

2) 工作坊中的每項活動都不是強制性的,你必須衡量自身狀況(身體/心理/情緒)來決定要不要參與。

3) 你會對自己的身體及心理狀態負責,主辦方不承擔任何相關的傷害、損失及賠償責任。





  • 一般價格:新台幣 29,500元
  • 超早鳥優惠: 75折, 新台幣 22,125元(至10月19日)
  • 早鳥優惠:85折, 新台幣 25,075元(至11月9日)
  • 懷疑者優惠: 9折。新台幣 26,550元(至11月23日)
  • 財務困難的藝術家優惠: 8折。新台幣 23,600元(至11月23日)
  • 舊生/TOSA會員/學生(持學生證)/無足夠收入的年長者: 8折。新台幣 23,600元。
  • 帶一位朋友: – 1,000新台幣(不可與早鳥優惠或藝術家價格結合使用)。







* 交通

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1.請先完成線上登記手續: https://forms.gle/YRaVPaFVxPy1dayX9,並於3天內匯款完畢










課程前29-15天取消報名,主辦方將保留50%費用。 課程1-14天取消報名,主辦方將不退任何費用













歡迎來參加台北每週一次的聲音瑜珈課程, 每堂課為2小時。





Autumn-Winter Program 2024-2025






「第一次我感到內心有許多聲音,我感到我的身體內有一個內在的空間。這對我來說是非常強大的經驗。這個身體不再是我以前所知道的。當你唱歌的時候,我感到平靜…當你要求我們模仿你的聲音時,我覺得非常有趣…每次當我們一起發聲時,我感到自己正在分解,然後再重新組合每個部分。」- Judith

「你的課程向我展示了呼吸和聲音的魔力。這讓我的內在小孩非常開心。」- Nancy

「我非常喜歡今天這堂課。你讓每個人都參與其中,充分表達自己,並且有很好的放鬆和充電。」- Tina

「這比以往任何時候都讓我回想起我的童年,所以我可以再次玩耍。」-  Kovida

「聲音瑜伽幫助我感到更輕盈。」- Jennifer

「我非常享受,感到放鬆,這對我來說是一門特別的課程。」- Judy 

「這比性愛還要棒!」- Tammy


Introducing: IUooUI

A new group called IUooUI is going to give its first series of full performances. Most of us know each other for many years now and share a deep passion for overtone singing, throat singing and improvising with voices and instruments, as well as work on the body-mind relationship. We decided to take it a step further and create surprising performances based on all those amazing sessions we had during workshops throughout the years. We all have dreams and desires to bring the music in our heads alive, for others to hear. This is a challenge. We leave the intimate comfort zone of a workshop space. We are ready to confront an audience of curious listeners in unusual settings, and to envelop them with our resonances, overtones, mantras, syllables, shrieks, assisted by drums, Jew’s Harps, shruti boxes and more.




The name UIooUI stands for the mantra-and sutra-like phrases that we often use, inspired by the okyo of Michael Vetter (1943-2013). Michael transformed these traditional Japanese sutras to expand his own musical language, and this has become part of my own language now. IuooUI also stands for:


Of course, the syllables i-u-o-o-u-i  make a small overtone piece in themselves.

The name was proposed by our in-house poet, Amang, whose Chinese name is , which is the last part of IUooUI when it is pronounced as a three-character Mandarin syllabe, yiwoyu.

Our in-house designer JiJi Liu created the logo for us.


The name TWEAKS refers to the process of tweaking, adjusting, making things better by smaller or sometimes bigger changes. It is my hope that next week we can really tweak all the musical elements so that they keep on growing, changing and move towards a more refined shape. This week, at least, some of us were still busy tweaking, like JiJi and Sky, who came up with this after the dress rehearsal:



It has been inspiring to see how busy all members got in recent months to prepare for this first complete performance. They have been working diligently on their sounds and pieces, of which more than half is composed by themselves in smaller units. They took care of sound and light, finding equipment and personnel to handle it, costumes …


Earlier this year we have done some smaller performance, to warm up, and as teasers for our bigger program.



Sunday August 21 – 19:30

Wednesday August 24 – 19:30

Friday August 26 – 15:00 and 19:30

Sunday August 28 – 19:30

The performances will be held at VENUE, on its 5F space, No. 10, Lane 107, Linsen North Road. This is a bustling area and if you have the time, you can have diner before at a nice Japanese restaurant, Umeko, right next door to VENUE  (no. 8)!

Limited 20% discounted tickets available, please write to: iuooui.taiwan@gmail.com
to secure your seat. Tickets: https://www.opentix.life/event/1536284030369976325

Our Facebook and IG:





IUooUI : 全新泛音詠唱團體的誕生
8月【漪渦⿂】 就要正式公演了~
我們即將參與 2022臺北藝穗節,一共演出5場~
1:【8/21 19:30】 (日) 晚
2:【8/24 19:30】 (三) 晚
3:【8/26 15:00】 (五) 午
4:【8/26 19:30】 (五) 晚
5:【8/28 19:30】 (日) 晚

演出資訊: https://www.opentix.life/event/1536284030369976325



Concert with Sinan Arat in Oosterkerk, Amsterdam

Over enkele weken doe ik een dubbelconcert met Sinan Arat in de Oosterkerk in amsterdam. Hij is vooral bekend van zijn ney spel, zijn hoofdinstrument. Ik heb hem nog niet ontmoet maar we hebben wel overlegd hoe we het willen gaan doen. Vanwege ons beider voorliefde voor improvisatie hebben we besloten te proberen om niet twee solo-blokken te spelen met een beetje overlap, maar de uitwisseling aan te gaan. Ik ben al langer op zoek naar samenwerking met een goede fluitspeler. In Taiwan zijn die dun gezaaid, zeker spelers die een dergelijke rijke, luchtige klank produceren. Dat heb je natuurlijk in Japan met de shakuhachi en in India met de bansuri (die Sinan ook bespeelt). Maar ik werd helemaal stil van het spel van Sinan toen ik gisteren onderstaande video van hem bekeek. Van die prachtige, lange, rustige tonen, waarin de adem steeds doorklinkt, en daarmee de ziel van de speler – of van de muziek zelf zo je wilt.



Sinan bespeelt naast de ney rietfluit ook lijsttrommels en zingt, en hij heeft Indiase muziek bestudeerd. En aangezien ik de laatste jaren ook experimenteer met fluiten en met de Marrokaanse bendir lijsttrommel én omdat ik ook al jaren met Indiase muziek bezig ben, hebben we aardig wat overlap. Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe dat gaat uitpakken, zijn voornamelijk traditionele spel met mijn meer experimentele benadering.


Het concert is op zondag 15 juli en begint om 12:00

Gratis toegankelijk (donaties welkom).

Adres: Oosterkerk, Kleine Wittenburgerstraat 1, Amsterdam.


De dag ervoor doe ik een eendaagse workshop boventoonzang, ook in de Oosterkerk in Amsterdam, voor wie wil kennismaken met deze techniek.


Beluister ook het mooie interview met Sinan rondom de VPRO sessie.

“Sinan Arat uit Turkije speelt en improviseert op de ney (Turkse fluit) en laat zich inspireren door de Ottomaanse en Anatolische traditie. Hij wordt begeleid door Alper Kekeç op percussie. In het interview met Giovanca vertelt Sinan hoe hij kennis leerde maken met de ney.”




Vetter-Transverbal Workshop (1-day Taipei)

This one-day workshop introduces the work of the influential musician-painter-poet-thinker Michael Vetter. He developed many tools to let students enter into a direct, open dialoge with art and creative processes. Combined with his well-informed reflections about art and spirituality, Vetter’s method makes music and visual arts accessible to many people, with or without an ‘art’ background. Very few artists cover the width and depth as Vetter does, while still being able to teach and inspire anyone from layman to professionals.

Michael Vetter (1943-2013) is probably best known as an overtone singer, but he spend at least as much time as an instrumentalist, painter, poet/writer, visual artist and educator. His life and work defied boundaries. He spent 13 years in Japan, pursuing intensive zen studies with two roshis (1970-1983). He visited Taiwan two times, exhibiting and creating new works, performing and teaching.

Vetter’s method makes music and visual arts accessible to many people, with or without an ‘art’ background. To continue Vetter’s line of creating and understanding art after his passing away in 2013, this workshop will introduce his methods to those who do not know him and go deeper for those who already know his work. The emphasis lies on practical, hands-on experience and getting a feeling for the overall, underlying connections between different art forms.

The day is divided in four parts, which will be woven together to show how they are linked in Vetter’s integral approach to art, called Transverbal.

Heart sutra:    The Hannya shingyo according to Michael Vetter.
Okyo:            Vetter’s approach to the Japanese approach to Indian Buddhist mantras. A practical exploration of transmutations.
Voice:            What is the voice? how can it teach us? Some of Vetter’s answers in theory, but as always practice comes first.
Lines:            Drawing lines, and understanding what simple lines can tell us about art and life. Bring paper and some colour pencils/pens.


For whom:        Individuals interested in creative processes (visual, musical), as well as creative professionals seeking to deepen their skills and understanding of the arts. Motivation to try out new things is essential, skills are not essential.
Language:        English (with Chinese translation)
Date/Time        Sunday December 20, 10 AM until 5 PM. Lunch on your own (1-2PM).
Place:            Canjune Training Center
Price:             1800 NT$
Discounts:        students 20% (bring your ID)
Participants:     (min.) 8 – 20 (max.)


Interested? Get more inquiries from Mark (info@fusica.nl) or Yvonne (chichenlyv@gmail.com) or just register and we’ll send you the payment details. Call us at 0910382749 (Mark) / 0933178272 (Yvonne).

About Voice Yoga



VoiceYoga3What is Voice Yoga?

Voice Yoga consists of a series of exercises that gives pride of place to the voice as a central, creative force in our lifes. Our existence depends in important ways on our speaking, listening, sounding and singing abilities. The class promotes awareness of the many roles of the voice in our daily lives. It expands our creative vocabulary, without necessarily talking about music, the singing voice or any musical style. The point is not so much to learn any specific new technique: we play with the voice in a lot of different ways and listen with fresh ears to the hidden potential of our voices.

In Voice Yoga, sound, silence and resonance become a mirror for the self. The sounds produced by ourselves,  allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside us. In ever-growing cycles of creating and perceiving we learn about music and sound, about ourselves and about the environment.

Structure of the classes

We usually start with silence, breath and body movements to turn away from our busy mind into the body and to the sensations we actually experience. We let the voice come out of a natural breath flow. We listen to and follow its natural resonances. We do not try to sing in an artful way, but to experience how body-mind-voice are intimately connected, and how voice and resonance can serve as a bridge to overcome the dualistic notion of body <> mind. From then on, all kinds of styles and genres of vocalising and musicking may happen, some structured, some wild, some giving insight in your voice, some therapeutic. Exercises are based on yoga, musical and theatrical techniques, vipassana meditation and our innate love to play like children.

The idea behind Voice Yoga is comparable to yoga and tai-chi: the effect of the exercises is gradual. We believe that only with repeated classes you can really learn to connect the energies of voice & sound with the whole of your body and mind. You slowly become more and more familiar with your voice and its powers; you will begin to hear and feel things you did not hear and feel before. That’s why we suggest you to sign up for four classes a time after your trial class.

The teacher

Voice Yoga is designed and taught by Mark van Tongeren, who brings with him 25 years of experience in working with sound, music and theatre and many different cultures.

9a973-dscf6809253dmark2bphotoIn my Voice Yoga Review of 2014 you can read about some recent experiences:

For whom
For those seeking to enrich their voices, let off steam and unlock their hidden creative potential. For singers and those who are afraid to sing. For actors, musicians and other artists and professionals who work with sound. Perhaps more than anyone else, people who want to experience and learn about the therapeutical effects of sound seem to benefit from Voice Yoga. The human voice is a tool that assists human beings to produce a mirror-like reflection of the world around them in their minds. By gaining a deeper understanding and experience of the mechanisms of making sounds, words and music, and of listening, we gradually deepen the connections within ourselves (our body-minds) and with others and the world around us.

Dates and time
please look here for current dates and times (voice yoga dates 2015).

Every class lasts two hours. The price is 400 NT$ for a single class, and 1500 NT$ for four classes (375 NT$ per class). You do not have to attend four classes in a row; we’ll just tick off your presence four times and then you can sign up again for four times. Students and others with limited financial resources can get a reduced price: just send a message.

How to register
Feel free to join the Voice Yoga class any time. It is best to send a message every time you want to come, then we prepare a place for you. Write to mark at fusica dot nl or send a text-message to 09 10 48 27 49.

Canjune Training Centre, 4th Floor, number 3 , Lane 151, Fuxing South Road, Section 2, (this is about 20 meters from the corner of FuXing South Road, go up the stairs to the hairdresser and take the elevator to 4F; if you’re early the streetdoor may be closed). Nearest MRT: Technology Building (10 min. walk). Telephone training centre: 02 – 27 00 72 91.


Voice Yoga dates 2014


In this class we use the voice in its immense richness, not only as a musical instrument, but as our primary tool to communicate and exist through/with/for/from sound. In Voice Yoga, sound, silence and resonance become a mirror for the self. The sounds produced by ourselves,  allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside us. In ever-growing cycles of creating and perceiving we learn about music and sound, about ourselves and about the environment. A ‘quintessence of science, sound and self’ as I  called it in my book Overtone Singing.



[table colwidth=”100″ ]

JANUARY,9/ 16/ 23/ 28

FEBRUARY,13/ 20/ 27

MARCH,6/ 13/ 27

APRIL,3/ 10/ 17/ 24

MAY,1/ 8/ 15/  22/ 29

JUNE,5/ 12/ 19

AUGUST,21/ 28

SEPTEMBER,4/ 11/ 18/ 25

OCTOBER,2/ 9/ 16/ 23/ 30

NOVEMBER,6/ 13/ 27  [no class on November 20]

DECEMBER,4/ 11/ 18/ 25


Canjune Training Centre, 4th Floor, number 3 , Lane 151, Fuxing South Road, Section 2, (this is about 20 meters from the corner of FuXing South Road, go up the stairs to the hairdresser and take the elevator to 4F; if you’re early the streetdoor may be closed). Nearest MRT: Technology Building (10 min. walk). Telephone training centre: 02 – 27 00 72 91.

Please notify us of your intention to join the class, by sending a text-message (SMS) with your name to 09-10  38 27 49.

For those unfamiliar with Voice Yoga, the information about Voice of Dao posted earlier still stands.

Weekly Voice Yoga classes 2014

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