
2024 Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat

December 19- 22 2024

Be timeless in sound


Three and a half days of intense explorations of voice and movement

for body-mind balance

and creative, vibrant well-being.




Scroll down for the Mandarin version



Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei




In Voice Yoga’s dynamic group process, you go beyond your habits and expectations. Something larger than yourself emerges: a flow of hidden creative potential.

Grounded in physical exercise such as yoga or contact improvisation, we work with all kinds of sounds without meaning and without emphasizing a beautiful singing voice. Pure, direct expressions and sensations of physical resonance and vibration through mouth, limbs, hips, feet, skin and inner organs.


We go beyond common subject-object and mind-body dualities, and bring our unconscious selves and sometimes irrational emotions to the surface. The group process becomes a mirror for the self and allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside. The result is often of a surprising clarity and immediacy.





We start Thursday December 19th at 9 AM and suggest you arrive the evening before.
We finish after lunch on Sunday 22th, around 1:30 PM.

Day 1

9:00-12:30 introduction to the program. Light exercising, breathing exercises, start moving, toning, improvising.
12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

18:00-19:30 dinner & rest

Day 2

9:00-12:00 Slow meditative warm-up, mild to vigorous exercising, toning, noise making, lie-down exercises.

12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations
18:00-19:00 dinner

Day 3

9:00-12:00 Slow meditative warm-up, mild to vigorous exercising, toning, noise making. Once again: restorative (half-)sleep/dream.

12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-17:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

17:00-19:00 Early dinner and preparations for the evening
19:00-21:00/22:00 observe and celebrate today’s Winter Solstice. On our last evening we will jointly celebrate the change from darkness to light. Participants can contribute a memory or reflection, a song, a dance, individually, en groupe, as a duo, whatever comes up. Consider to bring an instrument you play, candles to lighten up the atmosphere, a special garment or hat to wear.

Day 4 (half day)

9:00-12:00 Review, continuation and round-up.

12:30-14:30 lunch and bye bye



We hold our sessions in Shufang’s Energy Healing, a gorgeous yoga studio with a big garden in Dulan, Taidong. The studio has all utilities we need. We can use the big lawn outside for music and workouts in fresh air, a giant rock to repose, and shady places to rest.

There are several options for your overnight stay nearby, on a walking distance or further away. We are about a 10 minutes walk from downtown Dulan.

Accommodation: We recommend Moonrise Inn as it is the closest to the studio.

Hostels recommendation: Tranquilo Hostel or On My Way Dulan Hostel 



The workshop attracts young, curious artists; established musicians and performers facing creative obstacles or blockades; yoga and other body-mind workers not very familiar with sound; people familiar with sound but needing a fuller understanding and experience of it; people youna and old looking for physical and spiritual development; practitioners of Buddhism and other contemplative traditions needing deeper breathing and chanting practice; busy people needing a break from work in a relaxed atmosphere. Despite the name, Voice Yoga is not a harsh or demanding yoga camp, quite the contrary: it lets you grow at your own peace and rest and sleep or observe when you want to.

There are no specific requirements to join. Ages frange from early 20s to late 70s. Yoga, music or other skills are not required. We strive for a group between 8 and 12 people.




Bring a yoga mat to exercise and lie down. There are sitting cushions and also chairs if you cannot sit on the floor for long. Bring something to cover yourself when we repose or meditate. Bringing an instrument is a good idea (no need to play it well; a percussive instrument is always good).


Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei



English + Chinese



Mark van Tongeren is a Dutch sound explorer with a deep interest in the synergy of arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. Mark has 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative of Performing Arts. He practices yoga for some twenty-five years and all kinds of voice/music/performance practices for 35 years. His enterprise Fusica was established in 1998 to explore intersections of sound and the arts (music) on the one hand, and acoustic and other academic research (fusikè, physics) on the other.




This workshop is brought to you by organiser Jackal Mei, translator Sunny Chen and hosted by Shufang Wang.

Administrative assistance by Hsi-Yin Chang.

Jackal, Sunny, Mark


For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark.


Phone 0910382749


For any questions about the contents, lodging, travel and food details, registration and payment issues ask Hsi-Yin.

Hsi Yin:




  29.500 NT$

Bring a new friend / each       1.000 NT$ off



– Tuition fee

– All lunches and diners (including Sunday lunch)

– Insurance


– Transport to Taidong

– Lodging




– Please complete your online application form , and transfer application fee.

– online application form:
– After transferring, please SMS, Line, or email to inform Hsi-Yin with your name, and the last 5 numbers of your bank account
– After receiving your fee, we will send a confirmation email in 5 days, and invite you joining our line group for more event detail.


Bank code: 822.

Name of bank: China Trust

Beneficiary: Mark Christiaan van Tongeren

Account number: 163540306745

Make sure to send an email to Hsi-Yin after your payment. We will confirm reception as soon as possible.


We try to keep prices reasonable. If you cannot make it for some reason, we will return 80% of deposit fees up to 2 weeks before the event, 50% in the second week before starting date, and no refund in the last week leading to the event. In case of proven COVID-19-related problems we can give a refund (minus admin charge) or save the registration and fees for a next workshop.

We reserve the right to cancel the retreat in the case we do not reach the minimum number of participants, between 4 and 2 weeks before starting date; in this case all paid workshop fees will be promptly returned. We are not responsible for expenses for the BnB or transport.


By signing up you automatically acknowledge your understanding that this retreat sometimes involves strenuous physical exercise, potentially disrupting body-work and emotionally charged sessions with a deep impact on your well-being. It is understood that you yourself best know of any risks (physical, emotional, psychological) and that there is no pressure or obligation to do each and every exercise. By joining this retreat you accept the consequences and state your intention to complete it till the end. You waive all rights to seek or receive compensation in case of injury, loss or damage.

We reserve the right to cancel the retreat in the case we do not reach the minimum number of participants, between 4 and 2 weeks before starting date; in this case all paid workshop fees will be promptly returned. We are not responsible for expenses for the BnB or transport.




Mark’s Voice Yoga runs for over 10 years and brings together decades of creative, vocal expression, yogic discipline and contemplative traditions.

Voice Yoga is neither yoga as you see all around you, or music as you hear it every day. It is a personal, artistic synthesis of a wide range of musical, resonant, theatrical, contemplative and physical arts. What binds them together is Mark’s unique synthesis and his vision to create a strong sense of flow, no matter what the activity is. Serious workouts smoothly blend with unforgettable (and unrepeatable!) musical creations, deep breath work morphs into contact improv and vocal exercises into absurdistic theatre.

This retreat will give you a big boost, whether you are a musician, dancer, yoga teacher, actor, or just interested in working on your personal growth through the connections between sound, body and mind. No problem if you’ve never done yoga before!




For a taste of this retreat, come to one of the weekly Voice Yoga classes in Taipei for a 2-hour session.

Find the details here.


Your team: Jackal, Sunny, Hsi-Yin, Mark on the rooftop of Shufang’s Energy Healing classroom,

overlooking Dulan and the Pacific Ocean.




“I felt many sounds inside me first time and I felt there is an inner space inside my body. That was an very powerful experience for me. The body wasn’t what I knew before. I felt peace when you sang… I do have a lot of fun when you want us imitate your voice… Every time when we make sounds together I feel I am decomposing and putting every part of me in one again. “

– Judith


” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy


” I enjoyed the class very much today. You had everyone engaged and creatively expressed as well as discharging and recharging well. “

– Tina


” More than ever, it brings back my childhood so I can play again. “

– Kovida


” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy


” Voice Yoga helps me feel lighter. “

– Jennifer


” I enjoy a lot and feel relaxed, this is a special course for me. “

– Judy


” This is better than sex! “

– Tammy










一期一會 人聲與想像力的年終慶典






關於聲音瑜伽 療癒假期

在聲音瑜伽的動態團體過程中,你將超越自己的習慣和期望。看見比自我更廣大的自己開始甦醒: 那些隱藏著的創造力開始顯現,如河水般開始流動。































19:00 – 21:00/22:00 :這是我們的最後一個晚上,在冬至和平安夜之間,我們將一起慶祝從黑暗到光明的轉變。參與者可以貢獻一個記憶或反思,一首歌,一支舞蹈,個人,集體,作為一對,無論發生什麼。你可考慮攜帶一個你會演奏的樂器,蠟燭來燈亮氛圍,一件特別的衣物或帽子來穿著。





















儘管名為Voice Yoga,但這並不是一個嚴格或苛刻的瑜伽營,相反,它讓您按照自己的節奏成長,休息、睡覺或觀察都是可以的。 參加工作坊無需特定要求。年齡從20多歲到約75歲不等。不需要瑜伽、音樂或其他技能。我們希望參加的人數在8到12人之間。







2021聲音瑜伽 冬至療癒假期。 攝影:Jackal Mei




英語 + 中文即席翻譯






Mark van Tongeren 是一位荷蘭聲音探索家,對藝術、科學和冥想傳統的交互作用深感興趣。Mark 在戲劇、音樂和舞蹈製作方面擁有 30 年的經驗,並獲得萊頓大學創意表演藝術學院的博士學位。他練習瑜伽有約25年的經驗,並在聲音、音樂、表演等各種實踐領域已有 35 年的經驗。他的品牌 Fusica 成立於 1998 年,旨在探索聲音和藝術(音樂)以及科學和學術(fusikè,物理學)之間的交集。




帶領者: Mark Van Tongeren
翻譯: Sunny Chen
活動規劃兼攝影: Jackal Mei

場地主人: 王曙芳



Mark 和惜音


  • For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark:

Phone/LINE:  0910382749



  • 課程內容、食宿問題、匯款,請聯繫惜音:

Line ID:hsiyinchang




1) 工作坊可能會有劇烈肢體運動,引起身體跟心理的衝擊。

2) 工作坊中的每項活動都不是強制性的,你必須衡量自身狀況(身體/心理/情緒)來決定要不要參與。

3) 你會對自己的身體及心理狀態負責,主辦方不承擔任何相關的傷害、損失及賠償責任。





全額費用:29.500 NT$



超早鳥優惠 / 75折:22.125 NT$

學生;經濟方面需要支持的藝術家(需提供證明) / 75折:22.125 NT$



早鳥優惠 / 85折:25.075 NT$

TOSA會員 / 年長者 85折:26.550 NT$

雙人報名 / 早鳥外加95折:額外每人1000NT$折扣

舊生優惠 / 7折:20.650 NT$



原價 /29.500 NT$

雙人報名 / 95折:額外每人1000NT$折扣








* 交通

* 住宿



1.請先完成線上登記手續: ,並於3天內匯款完畢










課程開始兩週前取消報名 ,主辦方將保留80%費用
















歡迎來參加台北每週五一次的聲音瑜珈課程, 每堂課為2小時。





Autumn-Winter Program 2024-2025






「第一次我感到內心有許多聲音,我感到我的身體內有一個內在的空間。這對我來說是非常強大的經驗。這個身體不再是我以前所知道的。當你唱歌的時候,我感到平靜…當你要求我們模仿你的聲音時,我覺得非常有趣…每次當我們一起發聲時,我感到自己正在分解,然後再重新組合每個部分。」- Judith

「你的課程向我展示了呼吸和聲音的魔力。這讓我的內在小孩非常開心。」- Nancy

「我非常喜歡今天這堂課。你讓每個人都參與其中,充分表達自己,並且有很好的放鬆和充電。」- Tina

「這比以往任何時候都讓我回想起我的童年,所以我可以再次玩耍。」-  Kovida

「聲音瑜伽幫助我感到更輕盈。」- Jennifer

「我非常享受,感到放鬆,這對我來說是一門特別的課程。」- Judy 

「這比性愛還要棒!」- Tammy


Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat


December 21- 24 2023

Be timeless in sound


Three and a half days of intense explorations of voice and movement for body-mind balance and creative, vibrant well-being.




Scroll down for the Mandarin version



Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei




In Voice Yoga’s dynamic group process, you go beyond your habits and expectations. Something larger than yourself emerges: a flow of hidden creative potential.

Grounded in physical exercise such as yoga or contact improvisation, we work with all kinds of sounds without meaning and without emphasizing a beautiful singing voice. Pure, direct expressions and sensations of physical resonance and vibration through mouth, limbs, hips, feet, skin and inner organs.


We go beyond common subject-object and mind-body dualities, and bring our unconscious selves and sometimes irrational emotions to the surface. The group process becomes a mirror for the self and allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside. The result is often of a surprising clarity and immediacy.





We start Thursday Dec 21st at 9 AM and suggest you arrive the evening before.
We finish after lunch on Sunday 24th, around 1:30 PM.

Day 1
9:00-12:30 introduction to the program. Light exercising, breathing exercises, start moving, toning, improvising. Deep sleep session is usually included!
12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

18:00-19:30 dinner & rest
19:30-21:30 observe and celebrate today’s Winter Solstice


Day 2, 3, 4 (half day)
9:00-12:00 Slow meditative warm up, mild to vigorous exercising, toning, noise making. Once again: restorative (half-)sleep/dream.

12:30-14:30 lunch & siësta
14:30-16:30 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations

16:30-17:00 Tea time
17:00-18:00 Guided movement and sound practices, walking meditations, improvisations
18:00-19:00 dinner


On Day 3, our last evening, after the Solstice and before Christmas Eve, we will jointly celebrate the change from darkness to light. Participants can contribute a memory or reflection, a song, a dance, individually, en groupe, as a duo, whatever comes up. Consider to bring an instrument you play, candles to lighten up the atmosphere, a special garment or hat to wear.





We hold our sessions in Shufang’s Energy Healing, a gorgeous yoga studio with a big garden in Dulan, Taidong. The studio has all utilities we need and is fully air-conditioned of course. We can use the big lawn outside for musical workouts in fresh air, giant rocks to repose, and shady places to rest.




The workshop attracts young, curious artists; established musicians and performers facing creative obstacles or blockades; yoga and other body-mind workers not very familiar with sound; people familiar with sound but needing a fuller understanding and experience of it; people youna and old looking for physical and spiritual development; practitioners of Buddhism and other contemplative traditions needing deeper breathing and chanting practice; busy people needing a break from work in a relaxed atmosphere. Despite the name, Voice Yoga is not a harsh or demanding yoga camp, quite the contrary: it lets you grow at your own peace and rest and sleep or observe when you want to.

There are no specific requirements to join. Ages frange from early 20s to around 75. Yoga, music or other skills are not required. We strive for a group between 8 and 12 people.



Bring a yoga mat to exercise and lie down. There are sitting cushions and also chairs if you cannot sit on the floor for long. Bring something to cover yourself when we repose or meditate. Bringing an instrument is a good idea (no need to play it well; a percussive instrument is always good).


Voice Yoga Winter Solstice Retreat 2022. Photo: Jackal Mei



English + Chinese



Mark van Tongeren is a Dutch sound explorer with a deep interest in the synergy of arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. Mark has 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative of Performing Arts. He practices yoga for some twenty-five years and all kinds of voice/music/performance practices for 35 years. His enterprise Fusica was established in 1998 to explore intersections of sound and the arts (music) on the one hand, and science and academica (fusikè, physics) on the other, with .





This workshop is brought to you by organiser Jackal Mei, translator Sunny Chen and hosted by Shufang Wang.

Administrative assistance by Hsi-Yin Chang.

Jackal, Sunny, Mark


For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark.


Phone 0910382749


For any questions about the contents in Mandarin, and for lodging, travel and food details, ask Jackal.



For registration and payment issues ask Hsi-Yin.

Hsi Yin:





Regular: NT$ 29.500

Early Bird: – 25%. NT$ 22.125. (2 weeks, till October 19)

Early Bird 2: – 15%. NT$ 25.075 (3 weeks, till November 9)

Doubters’ Discount: – 10%. NT$ 26550 (till 1 month before workshop, November 23)

Poor Struggling Artists Early Bird: – 20%. NT$ 23.600. (Register up to November 23).

Mark’s Old students; TOSA members; students (ID card); seniors without sufficient income:  – 20%. NT$ 23.600.

Bring a friend: – 1000 NT$ (can not be combined with early bird discounts or artist price).



– Tuition fee

– All lunches and diners (including Sunday lunch)

– Insurance


– Transport to Taidong

– Lodging





– Please complete your online application form , and transfer application fee.

– online application form:
– After transferring, please SMS, Line, or email to inform Hsi-Yin with your name, and the last 5 numbers of your bank account
– After receiving your fee, we will send a confirmation email in 5 days, and invite you joining our line group for more event detail.



Bank code: 822.

Name of bank: China Trust

Beneficiary: Mark Christiaan van Tongeren

Account number: 163540306745

Make sure to send an email to Hsi-Yin after your payment. We will confirm reception as soon as possible.





We try to keep prices reasonable. If you cannot make it for some reason, we will return 80% of deposit fees up to 2 weeks before the event, 50% in the second week before starting date, and no refund in the last week leading to the event. In case of proven COVID-19-related problems we can give a refund (minus admin charge) or save the registration and fees for a next workshop.





By signing up you automatically acknowledge your understanding that this retreat sometimes involves strenuous physical exercise, potentially disrupting body-work and emotionally charged sessions with a deep impact on your well-being. It is understood that you yourself best know of any risks (physical, emotional, psychological) and that there is no pressure or obligation to do each and every exercise. By joining this retreat you accept the consequences and state your intention to complete it till the end. You waive all rights to seek or receive compensation in case of injury, loss or damage.

We reserve the right to cancel the retreat in the case we do not reach the minimum number of participants, between 4 and 2 weeks before starting date; in this case all paid workshop fees will be promptly returned. We are not responsible for expenses for the BnB or transport.




Mark’s Voice Yoga runs for over 10 years and brings together decades of creative, vocal expression, yogic discipline and contemplative traditions.

Voice Yoga is neither yoga as you see all around you, or music as you hear it every day. It is a personal, artistic synthesis of a wide range of musical, resonant, theatrical, contemplative and physical arts. What binds them together is Mark’s unique synthesis and his vision to create a strong sense of flow, no matter what the activity is. Serious workouts smoothly blend with unforgettable (and unrepeatable!) musical creations, deep breath work morphs into contact improv and vocal exercises into absurdistic theatre.

This retreat will give you a big boost, whether you are a musician, dancer, yoga teacher, actor, or just interested in working on your personal growth through the connections between sound, body and mind. No problem if you’ve never done yoga before!





For a taste of this retreat,

come to one of the weekly Voice Yoga

classes in Taipei for a 2-hour session.

Classes will resume again soon, ask for the details.









“I felt many sounds inside me first time and I felt there is an inner space inside my body. That was an very powerful experience for me. The body wasn’t what I knew before. I felt peace when you sang… I do have a lot of fun when you want us imitate your voice… Every time when we make sounds together I feel I am decomposing and putting every part of me in one again. “

– Judith

” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy

” I enjoyed the class very much today. You had everyone engaged and creatively expressed as well as discharging and recharging well. “

– Tina

” More than ever, it brings back my childhood so I can play again. “

– Kovida

” Your class shows me the magic of breath and voice. This makes my inner child very happy. “

– Nancy

” Voice Yoga helps me feel lighter. “

– Jennifer

” I enjoy a lot and feel relaxed, this is a special course for me. “

– Judy

” This is better than sex! “

– Tammy





一期一會 人聲與想像力的年終慶典






關於聲音瑜伽 療癒假期

在聲音瑜伽的動態團體過程中,你將超越自己的習慣和期望。看見比自我更廣大的自己開始甦醒: 那些隱藏著的創造力開始顯現,如河水般開始流動。








































儘管名為Voice Yoga,但這並不是一個嚴格或苛刻的瑜伽營,相反,它讓您按照自己的節奏成長,休息、睡覺或觀察都是可以的。 參加工作坊無需特定要求。年齡從20多歲到約75歲不等。不需要瑜伽、音樂或其他技能。我們希望參加的人數在8到12人之間。







2021聲音瑜伽 冬至療癒假期。 攝影:Jackal Mei




英語 + 中文即席翻譯






Mark van Tongeren 是一位荷蘭聲音探索家,對藝術、科學和冥想傳統的交互作用深感興趣。Mark 在戲劇、音樂和舞蹈製作方面擁有 30 年的經驗,並獲得萊頓大學創意表演藝術學院的博士學位。他練習瑜伽有約二十五年的經驗,並在聲音、音樂、表演等各種實踐領域已有 35 年的經驗。他的品牌 Fusica 成立於 1998 年,旨在探索聲音和藝術(音樂)以及科學和學術(fusikè,物理學)之間的交集。




帶領者: Mark Van Tongeren
翻譯: Sunny Chen
活動規劃兼攝影: Jackal Mei

場地主人: 王曙芳



Mark 和惜音


  • For any questions about the contents in English, ask Mark:

Phone/LINE:  0910382749



  • 課程內容、食宿問題,請聯繫Jackal Mei:

Line ID:jackallala

手機號碼:+886 936596910


  • 報名、匯款問題,請聯繫惜音:

Line ID:hsiyin724




1) 工作坊可能會有劇烈肢體運動,引起身體跟心理的衝擊。

2) 工作坊中的每項活動都不是強制性的,你必須衡量自身狀況(身體/心理/情緒)來決定要不要參與。

3) 你會對自己的身體及心理狀態負責,主辦方不承擔任何相關的傷害、損失及賠償責任。





  • 一般價格:新台幣 29,500元
  • 超早鳥優惠: 75折, 新台幣 22,125元(至10月19日)
  • 早鳥優惠:85折, 新台幣 25,075元(至11月9日)
  • 懷疑者優惠: 9折。新台幣 26,550元(至11月23日)
  • 財務困難的藝術家優惠: 8折。新台幣 23,600元(至11月23日)
  • 舊生/TOSA會員/學生(持學生證)/無足夠收入的年長者: 8折。新台幣 23,600元。
  • 帶一位朋友: – 1,000新台幣(不可與早鳥優惠或藝術家價格結合使用)。







* 交通

* 住宿













課程前29-15天取消報名,主辦方將保留50%費用。 課程1-14天取消報名,主辦方將不退任何費用













歡迎來參加台北每週一次的聲音瑜珈課程, 每堂課為2小時。





Autumn-Winter Program 2024-2025






「第一次我感到內心有許多聲音,我感到我的身體內有一個內在的空間。這對我來說是非常強大的經驗。這個身體不再是我以前所知道的。當你唱歌的時候,我感到平靜…當你要求我們模仿你的聲音時,我覺得非常有趣…每次當我們一起發聲時,我感到自己正在分解,然後再重新組合每個部分。」- Judith

「你的課程向我展示了呼吸和聲音的魔力。這讓我的內在小孩非常開心。」- Nancy

「我非常喜歡今天這堂課。你讓每個人都參與其中,充分表達自己,並且有很好的放鬆和充電。」- Tina

「這比以往任何時候都讓我回想起我的童年,所以我可以再次玩耍。」-  Kovida

「聲音瑜伽幫助我感到更輕盈。」- Jennifer

「我非常享受,感到放鬆,這對我來說是一門特別的課程。」- Judy 

「這比性愛還要棒!」- Tammy


Sound piece for The Fear of Small Numbers

I recently sat down to create a contribution for Serge Onnen‘s exhibition, opening tomorrow at the Kunstfort in Vijfhuizen, called The Fear of Small Numbers. Among the exhibits is a record player for which visitors can change the speed. Our collective of sound makers Oorbeek (where I got to know Serge in the first place) recorded a contribution in the studio this Summer, while recording a new album, and a host of other performers (me included) were asked to contribute. The record contains all these short pieces, one after another, and as a listeners you can play them back as fast or slow as you like. An interesting challenge for which I produced the following short piece, which I think will sound good no matter how slow or fast it is played back. I looped the original track of 22 seconds several times to make it longer. And for lack of a turntable I give you the half and double speeds as a bonus.





Here is the whole blurb for the exhibition:

In the fortress Serge Onnen (FR / NL,
1965) constructs an alternative
economy. Hard numbers become
fluid and loose the definite meaning
as we know it. A roulette, a wheel of
fortune, rotoscopes, a phenakistiscope
and a LP spin at high speed.
A party of Chinese shadow puppets
plays a sudoku-like game and looks
with half an eye at Onnen’s newest
animation movie CLOACINAE (2017)*,
which is here shown for the first
Onnen works with drawings and
pre-cinema techniques. He was a
resident at the Rijksakademie and
teaches at the Rietveld Academy.
Onnen lives alternately in Brussels
and Amsterdam.
With sound contributions by i.a.
Jaap Blonk, Li Daiguo, Dick el
Demasiado, Fred Kienhuis, Jonas
Ohlsson, Oorbeek, Yvo Sprey, Mark
van Tongeren and Mariana Ungureanu,
Simon Wald-Lasowski. *I.c.w.
Sverre Fredriksen.
Festive opening on Sunday,
October 14, 15.00 with the artist
present. Opening speech at 15.30,
followed by drinks and music by
DJ Marcelle / Another Nice Mess.
Also on show this Fall at the
• Charlott Weise – He at Sea
in the Genieloods.
• Interventions by Yin-Ju Chen,
Roderick Hietbrink, Rachel
de Joode, Lennart de Neef en
Micha Prinsen, Lonneke van
der Palen, Marius Schwarz,
Dan Walwin.
Save the date: Sunday, December
16, 15.00, finissage with Onnen’s
Image © Serge Onnen
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen is supported
by the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer
and the Mondriaan Fund.
Fortwachter 1, Vijfhuizen (NH)
Tue–Sun 13–17 (Mon / Thu closed)
Check website for Holidays

Sound Journey: Cycles and Rhythms



Four days to explore Time through exciting rhythms, solemn melodies and ritualistic cycles.

Repeat repeat repeat.

Refresh refresh refresh.

Four days to reveal the secrets that Time plays with us in our daily lives.






The Cycles

In our daily lives we are constantly immersed in cycles and rhythms. Some are natural, some cultural, some personal. Think of the seasons and our biological clock; our annual festivities and celebrations, our workweek; the times we get up, we sleep, we relax with friends or family.

How do cycles, like night and day, circadian rhythms (+/- 24 hours) and the seasonal rhythms influence us? How can we understand these rhythms in a time when we are deeply changed by artificial light, the 24-hour economy and fixed working hours, year-through? How can we play with these influences, use them more consciously, adapt them to our needs and to our actual, real-life rhythms? How can we break through our most stubborn, unhealthy patterns or improve them?

No one seems to escape from frequent feelings of being hurried, being late, being busy. Time seems to be either running after us, or we are running to catch up with Time. Music, meditation, hobbies and ‘spare time’ in general are moments to catch our breath and to not feel the pressure of The Clock. Is life really moving faster nowadays?

Many lucid minds have thought about such questions throughout the ages, and our days are no exception. Using examples from many epochs and insights from East and West, we confront these questions. We will look for and find answers in biology, philosophy and science. But most of all, we will explore answers in and through music.


The Rhythms

Can we make a music that reflects all these rhythms? A music that is not just for distraction, fun or entertainment, but a music that is charged with deeper meaning, understanding, and deeper transformative elements? What does that music sound like? Will it work?

Music happens to be a powerful messenger of a deeper sense of time. It unlocks secrets of time – and then again it makes the mystery bigger. In these three days we listen to examples of music based on the movements of planets, on the heartbeat, and learn to create our own original musics along similar lines. We create our own music based on the rhythms of cells and planetary movements (can you attune your voice to your cells or to Jupiter?). We look and listen into the rhythms and pulses of our individual ‘bodysphere’, and make them audible. We enact slow rituals to catch Time in its tracks, as it unfolds – as gesture, or dance – in our limbs and escapes – as sound – from our lips. In between we pause, reflect and discuss the ongoing game that Time plays with us. All with the aim to connect more deeply and more wisely with the manifold rhythms of the life forms inside and outside ourselves.

Program day to day

Every day we explore one of the cycle forms with which we want to make music that day.

We start Thursday from the ‘median’ rhtyhms that we can feel and test most easily: those of our own lifecycle and the longer biorhythms such as breath and hearbeat.

We continue Friday with the Circadian rhythms (day-night), expanding to the largest cycles of planets and other heavenly bodies.

Saturday we finish with a focus on the rhythms of cells and organs and also of other species, and look at the full picture of Cycles and Rhythms.

By Sunday we have a more complete picture of time cycles, with attached problems, as well as a picture of the solutions: the rhythms and tones that help us tune-in to the real world.

For each day we review some of the theories, we make our own observations and discuss the problems attached to it. At various stages, we create our own musical responses: sometimes more intuitively, sometimes in the shape of simple compositions that anyone can take part in. Gradually we will get closer to revealing the complex web of time cycles in which our life unfolds, and find answers to the question what we can do to adjust our pace to the unfolding of Time.

Dates, times, prices


The full workshop lasts 3,5 days, from Thursda, January 24,  noon (+ evening) to Sunday January 27, afternoon 4 PM. On Friday and Saturday we have a program for all day (including evening), with longer breaks to let everything sink in.

The price for the 3,5 day workshop is NT$ 12.000.

Early bird (till November 5) and R E S O N A N C E students price: NT$ 10.800.


For those who are short of time (it happens), it is possible to join from Friday, January 25, evening – let us know when you can arrive so we can inform you about the reduced price.


All meals are included. Transport and lodging are not included. Lodging is on-site at The Rainbow Mountain, Jianshi, where you can stay all the time. The rooming options differ a bit and are handled separately by Sunny Chen.


Registration: through the form or write us:

Sunny Chen: ly.sunny.chen at gmail dot com / lineID: soleilc77
Mark van Tongeren: mark at fusica dot nl

Please send a clear proof of your payment (bank transfer) by email to Mark or Sunny.

Max. 12 students.

This workshop is in English with Mandarin translation.

Mandarin registration link (write us for English registration).


(也可以選擇只參加2.5天, 週五到週日)

【帶領者】 Mark van Tongeren 德蘇
馬克.范.湯格鄰(Mark van Tongeren)是一位在藝術與科學疆界耕耘的聲音表演家,擁有二十五年音樂與多媒體表演資歷,為荷蘭萊登大學民族音樂學研究博士。為向大師習藝,他的足跡遍及阿爾泰地區、地中海、以及西藏寺院。在國際上,他是泛唱表演與研究著作的權威。曾任教於台北藝術大學戲劇學系(2003-2004客座講師),政治大學X書院(2012-2014) ,肯園香氣私塾「聲音瑜珈」(2013-)。合作對象包含作曲家、即興創作者、原民音樂家、與台灣舞蹈團體。肯園科西嘉島芳香之旅領隊。2018年帶團前往圖瓦(西伯利亞)進行深度的音樂之旅。 目前與其妻溫佑君以及他們的兩位孩子定居於台灣。










每天我們都會檢視一些概念,提出我們自己的經驗觀察,然後討論相關問題。在不同的階段,我們會創造我們自己的音樂性回應:有時候是直覺性的反應; 有時是透過一些簡單的規則結構,使得所有人都能輕鬆的參與其中。漸漸的,我們會越來越接近我們生命之中時間循環的複雜網絡,進而找到我們在時間的流逝中,該如何調整自己的腳步的方向。

[對象]: 任何想深入接觸聲音、音樂的人。任何想要增進聲音、震動、及覺性的聲音音場之技巧以及了解的創作者、身體工作者或心靈修練者。對課程內容有想望者。
[語言]: 英文+中文
[時間]: 2019年1月24-27日,週四中午到週日下午四點
[地點]: 彩虹山嶺-靜淨境教室,新竹縣尖石鎮義興村9鄰93之1號
[學費] 12,000。含十餐和保險
早鳥優惠(至11月5日)/ R E S ON A N CE折扣:NT $ 10,800。

* 內灣火車站到彩虹山嶺的交通
* 三晚的住宿

[開課人數]: 最少8人- 最多12人
– 學生8折 (請帶學生證)
– Resonance 舊生: 10,800

中文: / lineID: soleilc77 陳亮伃
英文: Mark van Tongeren



Vetter-Transverbal Workshop (1-day Taipei)

This one-day workshop introduces the work of the influential musician-painter-poet-thinker Michael Vetter. He developed many tools to let students enter into a direct, open dialoge with art and creative processes. Combined with his well-informed reflections about art and spirituality, Vetter’s method makes music and visual arts accessible to many people, with or without an ‘art’ background. Very few artists cover the width and depth as Vetter does, while still being able to teach and inspire anyone from layman to professionals.

Michael Vetter (1943-2013) is probably best known as an overtone singer, but he spend at least as much time as an instrumentalist, painter, poet/writer, visual artist and educator. His life and work defied boundaries. He spent 13 years in Japan, pursuing intensive zen studies with two roshis (1970-1983). He visited Taiwan two times, exhibiting and creating new works, performing and teaching.

Vetter’s method makes music and visual arts accessible to many people, with or without an ‘art’ background. To continue Vetter’s line of creating and understanding art after his passing away in 2013, this workshop will introduce his methods to those who do not know him and go deeper for those who already know his work. The emphasis lies on practical, hands-on experience and getting a feeling for the overall, underlying connections between different art forms.

The day is divided in four parts, which will be woven together to show how they are linked in Vetter’s integral approach to art, called Transverbal.

Heart sutra:    The Hannya shingyo according to Michael Vetter.
Okyo:            Vetter’s approach to the Japanese approach to Indian Buddhist mantras. A practical exploration of transmutations.
Voice:            What is the voice? how can it teach us? Some of Vetter’s answers in theory, but as always practice comes first.
Lines:            Drawing lines, and understanding what simple lines can tell us about art and life. Bring paper and some colour pencils/pens.


For whom:        Individuals interested in creative processes (visual, musical), as well as creative professionals seeking to deepen their skills and understanding of the arts. Motivation to try out new things is essential, skills are not essential.
Language:        English (with Chinese translation)
Date/Time        Sunday December 20, 10 AM until 5 PM. Lunch on your own (1-2PM).
Place:            Canjune Training Center
Price:             1800 NT$
Discounts:        students 20% (bring your ID)
Participants:     (min.) 8 – 20 (max.)


Interested? Get more inquiries from Mark ( or Yvonne ( or just register and we’ll send you the payment details. Call us at 0910382749 (Mark) / 0933178272 (Yvonne).

Sound Journey: Art of Listening

中文 (Facebook)

Meditations, contemplations and practices to get closer to yourself, to the body, to each other and to your surroundings. Listen with new ears to sound and silence. Explore the role of space and environment as sources for sound-making. Two days spent in the mountains to transform something you do all the time: a celebration of the ears!

Did you ever wonder why and how the world of sound can touch you so deeply? And what are the processes behind it? Did you believe your ears simply ‘register’ the sounds around you? Is it possible that you actually influence what you hear? Or can you learn from how others listen? Did you know there are many types of listeners and many ways of listening, such as holistic and analytical? Would you like to listen more actively, and ‘open your ears’ more? Can you ‘tune in’ yourself more to this world, or let this world attune to you? Do you want to let your ‘hearing’ become ‘listening’, and ‘listening’ become ‘understanding’?

During two days in the relative quietude of beautiful mountains in Hsinchu, we break through the habitual patterns of hearing so we can better perceive and understand the role of sound. This workshop is an opportunity to ‘hear yourself hear’ in new ways, and to reconsider what sound and music mean to you, also in everyday life.

The answers we find will be contemplated, imagined, sung, and expressed in words. We strike a neat balance between the verbal and non-verbal, the silent and the resonant, the action and the … passion. Leave the rattle and hum of everyday city life behind – celebrate the ears!

Program for these two days:
Morning rituals: listen, awaken our ears, sensing the body, feeling the voice.
Do concrete exercises to transform the way we listen, through meditations, listening outside, making sounds together.
Explore spaces using only the ears.

Listen to essential examples of ‘silent music’.
Find out what type of listener you are, learn about other ‘listening cultures’ and develop an active attitude towards your auditory perception.
Collaboratively create music with ‘sound objects’.
Talk about listening as a way to understand the world: to deeply attune our self to the vibrations surrounding us and emitted by us.
Listen to the many sounds of silence.

Some good music? Make some noise? Some star-gazing? Good food!


FOR WHOM:  Individuals interested in sound, music and contemplation; creative, health and spiritual professionals seeking to deepen their skills and understanding in the field of sound, vibration and awareness.
Language: English (with Chinese translation)
Date/Time: Sat. October 31 (10 AM) + Sun. November 1 (17 PM)
Place: Rainbow Mountain, Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County
Price: 6500 NT$
Includes: Local transport to/from station; lodging 1 night; 4 meals (lunch-diner-breakfast-lunch). We prepare some of the food ourselves. Let us know if you are into making delicious food!
Discounts: students 20% (bring your ID)
Participants: (min.) 8 – 15 (max.).

Interested? Get more inquiries from Mark ( or Yvonne ( or just register and we’ll send you the payment details. Call us at 0910382749 (Mark) / 0933178272 (Yvonne).

English (Facebook):
中文 Facebook:

Next voice class: Voice Yoga.
Previous workshop: Jew’s harp.


Concerts Luc Houtkamp in Taiwan

In a few days composer/improviser Luc Houtkamp is arriving from the Netherlands. He is a much respected music personality in The Netherlands with a string of accomplishments. Right now, besides playing/composing, he is best known for his work with the POW Ensemble, which he founded over a decade ago. He is the recipient of the most important Jazz Prize, the Boy Edgar Prize. Very honoured to have him as a guest in our house for a few days! Then he moves on for his Taiwan tour. I will join him two times.

6 March 2015, 12:30 Taishin Bank, Taipei, Luc Houtkamp (sax), Chao-Ming Tung (guzheng), Mark Van Tongeren (voice)

14 March 2015, 19:00 Hsing Tian Kong Library, Taipei, Luc Houtkamp (sax) Chao-Ming Tung, (guzheng) Mark Van Tongeren (voice), Shih-Yang Lee (piano)

Other performances by Luc and Taiwanese musicians:
9 March 2015 Lecture at Shih Chien University, Taipei
11 March 2015 Lecture and Workshop at Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu
11 March 2015 concert in Hsinchu, place and line up tba
12 March 2015, 19:30 Tainan University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan with Shih-Yang Lee (piano) Fang-Yi Liu (musical saw & voice)
13 March 2015 Lacking Sound Festival Solo concert.

Here is a preview of Luc’s new piece, based on a 1914 novel of Gertrude Stein. Looks very promising!

Musical pearls from Tuva in Taiwan

TuvaHorsePeoplesmall本活動中文詳細資訊請見本信下方說明。TuvanPearls EDM:


In April two excellent musicians and friends from Tuva are coming to Taiwan, so that people here can get better acquainted with this fascinating musical culture from the North. Get to know Tuvan music and culture and learn throat singing directly from established, original masters!

be amazed by Tuva’s signature sounds of throat singing

hear the beats of the shaman drum and Jew’s harp

resonate with the buzzing strings of horse-head fiddles and lute

get blown away by flutes from the steppe


Saturday April 11, 19:30   Concert Pearls from Siberia, at Wistaria Teahouse.

Donation-based. Very limited seats!

Wistariateahouselogo紫藤廬 At Wistaria, an atmospheric original Japanese building, you will be seated on tatami mats. The concert is purely acoustic, so you can enjoy the sounds directly with your own ears. An excellent way to get to know the amazing acoustic world that Tuvans have developed over the centuries. Tuva’s auditory culture has become an icon in the last two decades for its remarkable throat singing techniques, which they share with Mongolia. Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay both perform seveal throat singing techniques, which you will be able to hear at close range: the soft, light technique called khöömei, the whistle-like sygyt and the thundering low kargyraa. In Tuva we also find the horse-head fiddle (igil) and erhu-like fiddle (byzaanchy), lutes (doshpuluur, chanzy) and flute (shoor), the Jew’s harp (khomus) and the shaman’s drum (dunggur), among others. Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay master many of these and will play tunes and pieces from different regions and times in Tuva. Songs and pieces will be alternated with stories about and from Tuva and its rich musical folklore. The only public Tuvan concert in a very special intimate setting!

As a donation we suggest 500 NT$ for the perfomance, tea and a snack. Call Wistaria and leave your name and number for a seat: (02)2363-7375 or register here.

This event is sponsored by Wistaria.

Sunday April 12,  10-17      1-day workshop Tuvan throat singing and culture, at Canjune Training Center

CanjuneGymnasiumLearn to sing khöömei, sygyt and/or kargyraa with Otkun Dostay and Choduraa Tumat. The one-day Throat Singing workshop will have not just one, but two expert throat singers, including a female throat singer. A rare opportunity to learn the three basic Tuvan styles of throat singing: khöömei, sygyt and kargyraa, which tend to be a little softer and therefore easier than the Mongolian counterpart. During the day you will learn about Tuvan music and culture and get plenty of chance to hear throat singing and try it for yourself. With a maximum of 15 students (plus perhaps a few listeners), there is a chance to get personal feedback from Choduraa or Otkun for everyone. About half the time will be devoted to throat singing, the other half to other music and culture of Tuva.

Otkun Dostay teaching khöömei in Venice

Otkun Dostay teaching khöömei in Venice

We aim at a 50/50 divide of male/female voices. The workshop is held in English/Russian with Chinese translation. Mark will be there to help translate Russian-English, if needed.

If you are interested and want to reserve a place, you can call or write Mark (, 0910382749) or Wu Wentsui (, 0928867512).

This event is sponsored by Canjune.

Monday April 13, 19:30-21:30      Concert Tuvan music and culture. National Chengchi University, Arts and Culture Center, Audiovisual Theatre

NCCUArtsAndCultureCenterThis presentation features introductions, videos about the beautiful, unknown land of Tuva, a display of many styles of throat singing and different musical instruments. Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay both perform seveal throat singing techniques: the soft, light technique called khöömei, the whistle-like sygyt and the thundering low kargyraa and other substyles. They will also present a selection of pieces and instruments found in Tuva, such as the horse-head fiddle (igil) and erhu-like fiddle (byzaanchy), lutes (doshpuluur, chanzy) and flute (shoor), the Jew’s harp (khomus) and the shaman’s drum (dunggur). Choduraa Tumat and Otkun Dostay master many of these. Songs and pieces will be alternated with stories about and from Tuva and its rich musical folklore. Afterwards there is a chance to talk to the musicians during the Q&A.

Mongolian_tibetan_commission_logoThe concert at NCCU is free and open for everyone.  Just register here. Without reservation there may still be places when you come, there is no guarantee but there are 300+ seats.

This event is sponsored by the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission in Taiwan.



Otkun Dostay

OtkunDostayIgilLiveSmallIn the late 1980s Dostay was the youngest member of the internationally acclaimed Tuva Ensemble. During the late Soviet era he enrolled a theatre school in Leningrad (now Sint-Petersburg), and was engaged in acting, dancing and storytelling. With fellow students Stanislav Iril and Olaak Ondar he took part in Buddhist ceremonies in Leningrad and founded the group Özüm (‘sprouts’). They recorded their first CD in 1991, published by Window to Europe/Orpheus. Dostay has continued to direct Özüm with changing group members over time. He plays horse-head fiddle, all the Tuvan varieties of Jew’s harp and the shaman’s drum. He organised festivals to commemorate the great throat-singer Gennadi Tumat in his native village Khandagayti. He is currently active as the founder-director of the Tuvan-Japanese friendship Center and works as a correspondent for Tuvan State Radio, under the State TV & Radio Company. He regularly performs in solo, duo and ensemble projects, which he toured in Germany, Italy, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Morroco, Japan and China. He has been involved in recording, producing and playing on several CDs of Tuvan music published in Russia, Japan and Europe. In 2013 he published his first solo CD, an exciting mix of traditional songs and melodies with 21st-century sounds.

Özüm 1998 CDsmall 

Choduraa Tumat

ChoduraaTumatTreeSmallBorn in Western Tuva, as a girl Tumat was fond of listening to khoomei and sygyt throat singing performed by her brothers. She studied traditional music in music college in Tuva and went on to become one of the world’s most active female overtone/throat singers, as well as the founder and artistic leader of the all-female throat-singing folk ensemble Tyva Kyzy (‘Daughters of Tuva’, She is an accomplished performer of all basic throat-singing styles, sings traditional folk songs, and plays various Tuvan string instruments, Jew’s harps and zither. As a performer, she received many titles in Tuva. She is a teacher of traditional music and khöömei throat-singing at the Pedagogical College of Tuvan State University in Tuva’s capitol Kyzyl. With Tyva Kyzy and with solo projects she toured extensivly in the USA, Poland, Russia, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Japan. She recorded and released several CDs and DVDs, among which her outstanding solo CD Belek/ The Gift.



《西伯利亞溫暖的靈魂之聲》2015 台灣



《圖瓦的女兒》Tyva Kyzy 主唱楚都拉.圖瑪特 (Chodurra Tumat)
《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble 歐特昆.都斯泰(Otkun Dostay)

《泛音歌唱》Overtone Singing作者與【共鳴】泛音課程教師及表演者Mark van Tongeren 馬克.范.湯格鄰策劃

本系列活動更多詳情及最新資訊請見 ;
活動聯絡信箱 連絡人 Mark / 李小姐


俄羅斯境內的圖瓦共和國(Republic of Tuva)位於西伯利亞南部,與蒙語毗鄰,以具特色的喉音(throat singing)音樂引起全球音樂界的注意。著名的音樂家Sainkho Namtchylak就曾多次到台灣演出,以圖瓦音樂吟唱與爵士樂、電子樂等前衛即興音樂結合,讓台灣聽眾認識圖瓦傳統音樂的多樣性。


圖瓦喉音大致區分為以下幾種,包括khoomei(呼麥)、kargyraa(卡基拉)、sygyt(西奇)、chylandyk(蟋蟀鳴聲)、dumchuktaar(鼻音卡基拉)、ezengileer(馬鐙式唱法)、borbangnadyr(流水滾動音)等。此次獲邀來台表演的兩位音樂家楚都拉.圖瑪特Choduraa Tumat與歐特昆.都斯泰Otkun Dostay精於傳統圖瓦曲調、樂器演奏與喉音的各種技巧。楚都拉善於低沉的卡基拉與高音的西奇哨音。歐特昆則習於以內斂有致的呼麥演唱。

除了精湛的喉音,二人也精通各種傳統樂器。歐特昆演奏的樂器包含馬頭琴、雙弦琵琶 、薩滿鼓(dunggur)。楚都拉彈箏(chadagan)、拉奏雙弦胡琴、也吹奏橫笛(shoor)和口簧琴(khomus)。他們的音樂表演類型涵蓋圖瓦草根音樂、現代實驗音樂、長敘事曲、快板小調、傳統搖籃曲、民謠及召喚草原的樂器演奏。


Choduraa Tumat 楚都拉.圖瑪特

《圖瓦的女兒》女子喉音團體的團長楚都拉,1974年生於圖瓦共和國的Lyme小鎮,自小聽兄長唱呼麥及西奇,耳濡目染下喜歡上喉音。 女性喉音在圖瓦被視為禁忌,身為女性喉音演唱家,楚都拉勇敢地推動女性喉音,成立《圖瓦的女兒》女子喉音團體打破女性不得學習喉音演唱的傳統禁忌 。楚都拉為圖瓦的全才型藝術家,精通喉音中的各種技巧如繞富韻致的呼麥、低沉的卡基拉、高繞的西奇哨音、和如騎馬般充滿節律性的馬鐙唱法 ,曾獲邀至法國、德國、日本、芬蘭、瑞典、西班牙等地演出。楚都拉亦著力傳承喉音,在圖瓦多所大學及兒童音樂學校執教,推廣女性喉音。

Otkun Dostay 歐特昆.都斯泰

1970年生於圖瓦Khandagaity小鎮,為知名喉音演唱與馬頭琴表演者,亦是著名圖瓦民族音樂團體《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble的一員,於音樂上有卓越的成就,不斷受邀至日本、土耳其及荷蘭等地演出。歐特昆一直以來致力於圖瓦傳統音樂的傳承與創新,舉辦圖瓦喉音國際音樂節《Övur之地—西奇與呼麥》(Sygyt and khoomei in the land of Övur)。他不僅擔任全女子喉音團體《圖瓦的女兒》的經紀人,同時也在電視台製作音樂節目,極力推廣傳統音樂。目前於圖瓦的聯合國教科文組織UNESCO部門擔任主席。



時間:2015.4.11 (週六)19:30-21:00(19:00 開放觀眾入座)
音樂會採登記報名:請電洽紫藤廬(02)2363-7375 留下您的姓名電話完成報名
現場每人酌收活動費用 500 元,贊助音樂家演出及當日茶點供應。








《圖瓦的女兒》Tyva Kyzy 主唱楚都拉.圖瑪特 (Choduraa Tumat)
《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble 歐特昆.都斯泰(Otkun Dostay)

時間:2015.4.12(週日)10:00-17:00 (中間一小時休息)
報名請洽:0928-867-512 / 連絡人:吳小姐

課程更多詳情及最新消息公佈請見 ;


《圖瓦的女兒》Tyva Kyzy 主唱楚都拉.圖瑪特 (Choduraa Tumat)
《圖瓦樂團》Tuva Ensemble 歐特昆.都斯泰(Otkun Dostay)



時間: 2015.4.13 (週一)19:30-21:30(19:00開放入場)
活動對外開放報名 現場採自由入座。
洽詢電話: (02)2939-3091 分機 63394 張小姐


About Voice Yoga



VoiceYoga3What is Voice Yoga?

Voice Yoga consists of a series of exercises that gives pride of place to the voice as a central, creative force in our lifes. Our existence depends in important ways on our speaking, listening, sounding and singing abilities. The class promotes awareness of the many roles of the voice in our daily lives. It expands our creative vocabulary, without necessarily talking about music, the singing voice or any musical style. The point is not so much to learn any specific new technique: we play with the voice in a lot of different ways and listen with fresh ears to the hidden potential of our voices.

In Voice Yoga, sound, silence and resonance become a mirror for the self. The sounds produced by ourselves,  allows us to ‘see’ ourselves more clearly, to hear what’s living deep inside us. In ever-growing cycles of creating and perceiving we learn about music and sound, about ourselves and about the environment.

Structure of the classes

We usually start with silence, breath and body movements to turn away from our busy mind into the body and to the sensations we actually experience. We let the voice come out of a natural breath flow. We listen to and follow its natural resonances. We do not try to sing in an artful way, but to experience how body-mind-voice are intimately connected, and how voice and resonance can serve as a bridge to overcome the dualistic notion of body <> mind. From then on, all kinds of styles and genres of vocalising and musicking may happen, some structured, some wild, some giving insight in your voice, some therapeutic. Exercises are based on yoga, musical and theatrical techniques, vipassana meditation and our innate love to play like children.

The idea behind Voice Yoga is comparable to yoga and tai-chi: the effect of the exercises is gradual. We believe that only with repeated classes you can really learn to connect the energies of voice & sound with the whole of your body and mind. You slowly become more and more familiar with your voice and its powers; you will begin to hear and feel things you did not hear and feel before. That’s why we suggest you to sign up for four classes a time after your trial class.

The teacher

Voice Yoga is designed and taught by Mark van Tongeren, who brings with him 25 years of experience in working with sound, music and theatre and many different cultures.

9a973-dscf6809253dmark2bphotoIn my Voice Yoga Review of 2014 you can read about some recent experiences:

For whom
For those seeking to enrich their voices, let off steam and unlock their hidden creative potential. For singers and those who are afraid to sing. For actors, musicians and other artists and professionals who work with sound. Perhaps more than anyone else, people who want to experience and learn about the therapeutical effects of sound seem to benefit from Voice Yoga. The human voice is a tool that assists human beings to produce a mirror-like reflection of the world around them in their minds. By gaining a deeper understanding and experience of the mechanisms of making sounds, words and music, and of listening, we gradually deepen the connections within ourselves (our body-minds) and with others and the world around us.

Dates and time
please look here for current dates and times (voice yoga dates 2015).

Every class lasts two hours. The price is 400 NT$ for a single class, and 1500 NT$ for four classes (375 NT$ per class). You do not have to attend four classes in a row; we’ll just tick off your presence four times and then you can sign up again for four times. Students and others with limited financial resources can get a reduced price: just send a message.

How to register
Feel free to join the Voice Yoga class any time. It is best to send a message every time you want to come, then we prepare a place for you. Write to mark at fusica dot nl or send a text-message to 09 10 48 27 49.

Canjune Training Centre, 4th Floor, number 3 , Lane 151, Fuxing South Road, Section 2, (this is about 20 meters from the corner of FuXing South Road, go up the stairs to the hairdresser and take the elevator to 4F; if you’re early the streetdoor may be closed). Nearest MRT: Technology Building (10 min. walk). Telephone training centre: 02 – 27 00 72 91.


Breath-performance @ Red Room Aside

Tonight I am going to do a short ‘breath performance’ at a special edition of Red Room, the monthly event in the Aveda kitchen hosted by Chu Ping and Roma and Manav Mehta. The breath is a central focus of my performances, sometimes in the foreground, always in the background. And I thought the news of the passing away, on August 20 2014, of Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja (or simply ‘B.K.S.’) Iyengar would be a fitting occasion to start and end the performance using special breathing techniques.

Iyengar was instrumental in bringing yoga to the west in the 1950s and began to adapt it to the different lifestyles of American practitioners. Though he received criticism for changing the one-to-one transmission to a group practice and using physical tools such as woodblocks and straps, there can be no doubt that his methods have been a great success and have benefited hundreds of thousands of people in the West. And one can certainly not say that he himself was not fully part of the tradition, as an early video of him with is his own guru Tirumalai Krishnamacharya demonstrated. This is the full version of the 1938 film, but you can find several shorter sequences on Youtube.

It was Tirumalai Krishnamacharya who traveled India to promote hatha yoga and its associated practices and philosophies and thus began the revival which then crossed over to other parts of the world.

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya shortly before his death in 1988, aged 100

One may certainly include me in the league of teachers who misinterpret yoga or use its name for purposes other than its original intentions. But I do not agree with those criticasters who deplore what Iyengar has done. I think yoga is a fantastic practice and profound philosophy that can benefit people in many different ways. Indians should be proud to see so many people around the world doing some form of yoga or yoga-derived practices today.

I am very often in favor of traditional practices above modern forms myself, for example when it comes to indigenous music. But the modernisation and adaption process is irreversible and in the case of yoga, even those not-so-dedicated practitioners like myself learn things and solve problems that you can not learn otherwise (I struggled with lower-backache for many years; physiotherapies did not solve it but hatha yoga did).

So to thank and honour Mr. Iyengar I will begin tonight’s performance with a very extended, silent inhale and finish with a very extended, resounding exhale.

If you are curious, read more about Iyengar in the Washington Post and on The Atlantic.